Cancerfighter’s Weblog

Alternative cancer therapies and ideas

Archive for May, 2011

Nuro’s Natural Cancer Healing Experience

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on May 17, 2011

There’s loads of cancer info here – so do browse – also in my two cancer books – see for details

Nuro’s Natural Cancer Healing Experience

This is Nuro’s story:

In January 2009 I had noticed a tiny lump in my right breast. I went to my local GP. She eventually transferred me to the breast clinic where a couple of fine needle aspirations were made. I then had an ultra sound and a biopsy of the lump.  The result was an aggressive (meaning fast spreading) form of Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma with a tumour in my right breast. I was devastated!

I had worked for almost 20 years in the field of complementary health. I was of the opinion that I was of very robust health. I had quite a solid understanding of nutrition, was never really ill, had hardly any colds, went running regularly, did a very dynamic form of yoga and my busy work as a remedial massage therapist provided the necessary muscle strength training.

Admittedly, my daily coffees and teas had become more regular and also the occasional glass of wine had become more frequent. On top of my physically demanding job, the commuting between Brighton and London was stressful and every so often I wondered how much more my body could take … However as I never really felt ill I had no real reason to worry, I thought.

So getting a diagnosis of cancer completely threw me. I felt betrayed by my body. I simply could not believe it as I didn’t feel ill in the first place. For days I was in shock and kind of numb.  Lots of pictures of people with cancer came up, I remembered my mum, who had died of cancer 10 years previously. I was in an awful state. Through this emotional fog I remembered hearing from an old friend of mine who have had cancer as a child. She overcame the illness by a purely natural approach and then a second time around 30 years later when she had cancer again, she also cured herself with alternative methods.  I called her up and she encouraged me to embark on a similar route.

All the things she suggested weren’t new to me.  To apply them and believe in them when doctors were of the opinion that the only answer to my health problem was chemotherapy was a huge challenge and a step I didn’t know if I could make.  On the other hand, I wanted to live! I didn’t want to get poisoned. So I felt I didn’t have anything to lose really.

So despite all the fear of the possible consequences of not doing chemotherapy I wanted to give myself and my body a chance to heal itself.

I wanted, I needed to try it out, at least for the next couple of weeks to see how I would do on a very clean diet, eliminating all possible sources of toxins, meditating, generally giving myself time and space to decide about my route of healing from a place where I wasn’t terrified.

So that’s when I started the first stage of my health regime, which looked something like this:

Phase 1


I went onto a mainly alkaline diet and cut out:

Dairy, meat, alcohol, sweets (including fruits, honey, any form of sweetener), gluten, salt, no nightshade vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, aubergines).
Instead I upped my organic vegetables, mainly raw as salads & juices, mostly made out of green vegetables, which I had before breakfast and dinner, supplemented by wheat grass juice). I also increased my daily water intake, trying to sip about 1/1/2–2 litres throughout the day.

My daily diet then became:
Breakfast – gluten free porridge with a few raisins (that was my only sweet treat!)

Lunch – salad, lettuce, cucumbers, sprouts, few carrots, few beetroots, zucchinis, olive oil, lemon with a bit of quinoa or brown rice on the side and occasionally tofu.

Supper – were much the same vegetables as for lunch but steamed or as a stew with some added quinoa or brown rice.

I was on this diet for about 8 weeks and it was roughly based on the book:
‘The ph miracle by Dr Robert & Shelly Young.

During this time I didn’t take any supplements, as I wasn’t sure what would benefit me.

Additional Healing Approaches

In addition to the change of my diet, I had weekly colonic hydrotherapy, did daily meditations, visualisations (letting the tumour shrink and dealing with the fear of the diagnosis) and tried to go out for one hour walks as often as possible. I also took MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution, an unfortunate name for a very effective remedy). I took MMS for over a year as suggested, first orally by itself and for several months in combination with DMSO (dimethyl sulphoxide) topically.

On the above mentioned diet I lost about 5kg over a span of 2 months. So did my husband who supported me on the diet, a good indication for me that I hadn’t lost weight because of the cancer but because of my change in diet.
It was a reassuring observation as advancing cancer is accompanied by weight loss.

Meanwhile I tried to find a medical practitioner who would support me in my endeavour to heal the cancer with natural methods. I found a former GP who now works as an acupuncturist and nutritional therapist in Devon/UK.

It was clear from the start that he had many suggestions and insights regarding my condition but he couldn’t take me on as a patient (the law in UK [Cancer act from 1939] forbids that anybody claims to heal cancer by any other means than chemotherapy, radiation or surgery). However I felt it was a step in the right direction.

After seeing him I slightly altered my diet, started to take supplements, dropped the regular colonics and introduced daily coffee enemas instead.

Phase 2


From my initial detoxifying diet I switched to a kind of building up or strengthening diet.

Essentially it was the same as before but I added few of the so called ‘super foods’ like bee pollen, goji berries, freshly ground up flax & hempseeds, flaxseed & hempseed oils in my breakfast porridge and augmented my usual lunches and suppers with fish, organic chicken or lambs liver twice a week.


As far as supplements went I started to take iodine, krill oil, zinc, selenium, a multi-vitamin, I ate apricot kernels and drank Essiac tea.

Naturopathic Approaches

I also added the following naturopathic techniques to my daily routine: Coffee enemas as mentioned earlier, castor oil packs over the liver, dry brushing, hot and cold showers, occasional Epsom salt bath, continued with my one hour walks several times a week and tried to get into the sun without sun protection for 20 minutes a day to top up on the health bringing and spirit raising Sun’s vitamin D.

Working with the Mind

I carried on with my daily meditations and visualisations, as I understood the importance of working with the mind. I needed to have each and every aspect of my life supporting by my longing for health.
I listening to the “Teaching of Abraham” and to lectures of Eckard Tolle.

Mental attitude

During all this time I tried to stay clear of talking about trying to ‘fight the cancer’. Ultimately my body had created the illness and I saw it more as a wake-up call that somewhere along the line I had gone against my own truth. I wanted to be kind to my body. I felt that was my way forward in all areas of my life. I wanted to learn again to go with the flow without compromising my own truth. At the same time I wanted to stay open to learn new things and change my approach along the way if needed. As long as it benefited my general health and well being.

Electromagnetic Radiation

During this time I also came to realise how health damaging electromagnetic radiation is. So we stopped using wireless broadband and went back to using cables, exchanged our cordless phone for an old fashioned hand held phone and I tried to use my mobile phone as little as possible (if I had to, I used an ear piece).


On my quest for health I also wanted dedicate time to pottery again. I had started years before but had given it up when I got to busy with work.

Now seems the perfect time to start.

I enrolled on a course again.

Two years on and I am still doing it. I really love to have my hands in wet clay and forming objects out of it. Mostly I do objects I can use around the house. My pots are getting better and looking less wonky, the glazes become more predictable and they crack less.

This year for the first time I will exhibit some of my ‘masterpieces’ together with other friend’s art in Cornwall.

It is not so much for me about making perfect pieces of art, it’s more about expressing an important part of myself.

Toxicity in Cosmetics and Cleaning Products

The other important area of possible toxin burden that needed to be addressed was cleaning products, toiletries and cosmetics.

We basically switched them all to environment friendly products that were free of petrolatum, mineral oils, sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate, paraben, lanolin, hadn’t been tested on animals, didn’t contain any animal by-products and were biodegradable.

High Quality Water 

On top of all that we installed a reverse osmosis filter for our so important daily water consumption. A reverse osmosis filter filters out the good and the bad, so we added extra mineral drops to our drinking water. We also installed a filter in our showerhead that cleans out fluorides and other damaging ingredients.

Monitoring my Progress 

When I was first diagnosed and I wanted to go onto my alternative health regime, one big issue for me was how to monitor my progress???

The oncologist couldn’t offer me any on-going tests other than invasive PET scans that they normally do every 6 months.
As I was considered opting for ‘no treatment’ in the eyes of conventional medicine I wasn’t given this test.

However as I mentioned before these tests are taxing on the body and I was rather looking for a test less invasive.

We eventually came across the ‘Navarro Test’, which quite few people do when approaching cancer in a natural way.

Initially the test seemed to be very complicated to do and sounded a bit ‘cowboy’ like.

However we overcame all obstacles and I did the test every three months. Besides feeling good in my body, the test became an important indicator how I was doing on a less obvious level. After doing the test a few times it wasn’t all that complicated as it initially seemed.


After 18 months on this regime the lump in my breast had dissolved. Where there used to be a chestnut big bulge was nothing any longer.
At this point I felt that my body was strong enough to do another PET scan.

A reluctant oncologist eventually agreed to do the test.

It showed that I had no cancer in my body anymore and I got declared as ‘in complete remission’. The oncologist was very surprised.

What Now? 

After the result of the PET scan, I had a big celebration with friends who had supported me through my healing journey.

Everybody asked me if I would go on with my strict diet.

Well, there were a few things in my mind that I wanted to eat again. I tried them out … I can‘t really say that it was a big ‘Wow’ experience.

For once I have lost my appetite for alcohol. It makes me feel strange and I don’t like it any longer.

Croissant with butter, strawberry jam and a coffee used to be my ultimate fantasy while I was on my regime … Even that has lost it’s appeal.

However, I still love my daily crunchy organic veggie salads, the occasional bit of chicken and fish here and there.

My healthy diet has become a way of life. I still have the odd bits that I regard as not that healthy but I easily find my way back.

One thing that I find important for me is not to become too obsessed with food.
I still like to go out for a meal every so often and eat what feels right for me without being too concerned and then I go home and carry on with my daily green juice, the salads and steamed veggies and plenty of good quality water.

As a result of my healing journey I have enrolled in a nutritional healing course. That course teaches more or less the approach that has helped me immensely.

Over the last two years I feel as if I did a crash course in healthy living.
The course gives me the time and the support to go over everything I have done to get better and to come to a deeper understanding.
I hope that with my own experience and the help of this course I will be able to inspire people to try out the gentle way of healing cancer.


Initially I was trying to find the ‘right’ healing method. Everything I read felt very overwhelming and confusing.

I needed to stick to something that felt right to me before I understood all other methods.

By and by all the reading I did and the information I had accumulated fell into place. I developed a sense of when to incorporate another healing method and which one I wanted to incorporate.

I am sure I could have done it in a different way but the methods I chose felt right to me at the time.

What I want to express here is the fact that there is not only one right method of healing.

Finding my own inner voice and my own intuition was pivotal.

Although initially it was a very scary situation it eventually became a very empowering process.

I was and I am still amazed by the way my body reacted to positive, loving, caring and gentle attention.

It felt that there was this part in me that wanted to be heard and acknowledged. Once I had tuned in, it was delighted to support my healing process on every conceivable level.

The illness was a true blessing in disguise for me.

Having said all that, I don’t feel I have reached a place from where I can simply go back to my life how it used to be.

On a physical level my healing is complete for now but emotionally I feel like a work in progress.



Nuro Weidemann | In Safe Hands – Massage Therapy | | 07931 790 666

NOTE: Nuro’s on one of over two dozen stories in the 2012 edition of The Cancer Survivor’s Bible –  now available – see for details

“We were comforted and inspired by the broad sweep of your book.”

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Ultra-violet Blood Irradiation and cancer

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on May 16, 2011

Please browse this site – there’s a lot of cancer information here – and in my two cancer books – see

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI)

UBI – also referred to as UVB therapy – has been around a long time and it appears to have a broad range of health benefits including circulatory improvement, killing bacteria and viruses, improving immune system. It also appears to be beneficial for cancer and for auto-immune diseases but no-one is shouting about this too loudly to avoid the inevitable repercussions.

Essentially it works in this way: doctors extract blood from the patient and irradiate it. The blood is then pumped back into the body. It costs US$100-200 a go to have this procedure done and patients are advised to have up to 8 treatments.

It is completely non-toxic.

For further details go to these links

Note: The Cancer Survivor’s Bible (2012) is now available – see

“very well written, beautifully organised and easy to read and understand.”

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paw paw or papaya – cancer cure?

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on May 16, 2011

If you’re looking for cancer info you’ll find a lot here – and in my two cancer books – see for details

Paw Paw and papaya

The fruit that Australians call pawpaw is not the same fruit that the Americans call by that name – for a full discussion see my books or go to this site which does a good job of describing the papaya leaf tea cure

Note: The Cancer Survivor’s Bible (2012 edition) is now available – see

“This book tells me everything. Why didn’t my doctors tell me this?”

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Dichloracetate (DCA) shown to be effective against some cancers

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on May 16, 2011

There’s a lot of cancer info here and in my two books – see for details

Dichloracetate and Cancer

Read details of Canadian research here:

Note: The Cancer Survivor’s Bible (2012) is now available – see

“I want to say how inspirational your book and all its suggestions have been”

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Cure for Alzheimer’s?

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on May 3, 2011

This is an archive of cancer-related info – and other oddities such as this story. For more cancer related info read my two books – for details.

Cure for Alzheimer’s?

It seems that feeding coconut oil to people with Alzheimer’s helps significantly in a large percentage of cases because of the medium-chain triglicerides in the oil. For a fuller account follow this link:

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breast cancer: Unclogging lymph glands

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on May 2, 2011

Get the cancer information you need here and in my two cancer books – see for details

Unclogging lymph glands

Sometimes a discussion gets going and you uncover a wealth of real personal experience. This one concerns a woman diagnosed with breast cancer who has suffered extreme pain associated with clogged lymph nodes under the arm. She has chosen to treat her cancer using diet and supplements. Here was her original posting:

“I have breast cancer – diagnosed august 2010 – I did have a biopsy (rushed into it before I could think – on same day of mammogram).  There is an area – hard –  with dcis (4cm) but they found cells that were ‘indicative of metastases’ in my lymph nodes in armpit.   The oncologist said therefore that there must be an invasive cancer in my breast, and that it was in the area near my armpit (this area was not hard, just swollen and very very tender and very painful).  So to be clear, I had one hard lump, which they say is DCIS, and one area near the armpit that was so sore and tender i couldn’t even touch it. I have not done surgery, chemo or radiation and have been on juicing/raw diet with coffee enemas, plus taking oleander, pancreatin, selenium, milk thistle since last september. I also take the budwig mixture and put ground flax seeds in 3 of my daily juices – I have about 7-9 juices daily, mainly carrot, with some greens. Around Christmas the dcis area was still growing, actually quite agressively and my whole breast was hot and quite hard (like it had been at the start).  That began to change the middle of January and the breast was a lot softer.  In fact, the area that had been growing quite agressively became soft and is now like dense fatty tissue.  The hard lump is going like this – it gets like a blister at the side  –  feels squish- and then it seems to go into dense fatty tissue.  Where the sore area near the armpit was where originally i could not touch, this has grown into a kind of rubbery lump, or pile and this area is concerning me as it has gotten bigger recently.  Swollen.  The lymph node in my armpit is the same, but now there is more of this rubbery stuff.  Like a web of rubbery stuff.    The rubbery stuff is new! The heat that was there in the breast is now not there at all and there are no changes with my menstrual cycle.  My periods stopped nov/dec/jan, came back fine feb/march.”

A number of suggestions were made to help this lady.

Suggestion 1: “I use a machine called Light Beam Generator from ELF labs in america which is excellent to clear lymph nodes naturally. you can contact the company if they have any practioners near you. i am in england and i have 3 machines which have been fantastic to users with issues currently we are discussing, if you like to read more on these machines go to my website at

Suggestion 2: “I’ve seen and experienced tremendous results for ridding clogged lymph in my breast tissues, under my arms where there has been much pain and inflammation, if I take high doses of S.O.D. Super Dioxy Dismutase. I’m not sure if I’m spelling it correctly.

I get the one from Biotec International here in California but I don’t know of resources in the UK. I actually use BioVet line for animals and use the same for myself. I’ve experienced that I can handle carrot juice in larger amounts only if my diet is completely raw. Otherwise the sugars seem to add to the problem if I consume too much when eating a partially cooked diet. Greens and more greens…Ginger and garlic juiced with everything aids in clearing toxic waste and lymph. Lemon juice juiced with garlic and ginger do allot separately from the vegetable juice. I have had great results using raw cold processed hemp seed protein powder by Manitoba Harvest in Canada. You can probably find a good source in the UK.

Lastly, I’m experiencing very good results taking powdered Humic Acid daily for detoxing and clearing infection. I bought 25 pounds bulk for $4. per pound. I bought it for my animals and soil as an organic agricultural supplement. The farmer I bought it from uses it as a tea daily. 1/4 teaspoon. He told me it’s critical to make sure its from a good source and no other ingredients are added. Humic Acid is ancient compost. It’s age can range from hundreds of years old to millions of years old. A friend who introduced me to the source puts some in water and after his shower each morning sprays his whole body with this and some sea minerals added to the mixture. He says he frills incredible after he sprays his body. It’s black so you only need a little in the spray. He advised me to use the 1/4 teaspoon daily.”

Suggestion 3: “I would highly suggest continuing the Budwig Protocol, Oleander, pancreatic enzymes, coffee enemas, etc.  Obviously what you are doing is having an effect. I would also suggest peforming a parasite cleanse and adding something for yeast overgrowth since most with cancer have a concern with yeast.  Oregano Oil is a good choice along with a good colloidal silver.  Also N-Acetyl-Cysteine.  Adding more greens to your juicing is always a great idea.  Be sure to keep your elimanation routes open and working – we eliminate by breathing, sweating, urination, defecation (2-3 bowel movements daily is recommended) and for women menses.  For exercise consider rebounding as this will help to keep the lymph system moving.  Dry skin brushing is another suggestion.

Please research the iodine protocol. In my opinion, anyone with breast cancer or the possibly of breast cancer should be on the entire iodine protocol.  I would suggest taking it orally and also applying it directly to the breasts. You can find more information at   There is also an iodine yahoo group that is helpful.

Getting your hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and cortisol) saliva tested will let you know if you need to work on hormone balance and/or adrenal stress.  Often those with cancer have adrenal stress/fatigue from emotions that have not been dealt with or from living a high stress life.  Incorporating an adrenal glandular and/or some herbs such as ashwagandha, rhodiola rosea and astragalus is almost always wise.

Make sure that you are also dealing with any negative emotions, anger, fear, etc.  Personally, I believe that cancer has a very real emotional component (I am a stage III colon cancer survivor of eleven years).  A very good book is Feelings Buried Alive Never Die.  EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is also worth learning and implementing.”

NOTE: The 2012 edition of The Cancer Survivor’s Bible is now available – see for details.

“I work with cancer patients and I have found this book incredible helpful to them (and to me and my work colleagues).”

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Reducing Stress important when fighting Cancer

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on May 2, 2011

If you are looking for cancer related info then browse this site – this info supports my two cancer books – see for details.

Reducing Stress Important when Fighting Cancer

It is known that stress promotes cancer – reduce the one you reduce the risk of the other (or its aggressiveness if you already have cancer) – relaxation really is good for you. One sign of stress is ‘brain fog’ – the inability to think clearly. It has been shown that stress causes higher than desired levels of cortisol in the body. So how can we reduce these cortisol levels. Here are some suggestions:

1. Vitamin B complex

2. passionflower herb tincture

3. Omega 3 oils – ie fish oils or flaxseed oils. If you have a compromised liver then thoroughly blend (with a fork) flaxseed oil (1 tbsp) and low fat cottage cheese/flaxseed oil or quark (3 tbspn) x 3 day

4. Have a massage

5. Laugh

All of these will help reduce stress and strengthen your ability to fight cancer

NOTE: The 2012 edition of The Cancer Survivor’s Bible is now available – see for details

“The section on conventional treatment was riveting.”

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