Cancerfighter’s Weblog

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Archive for the ‘complimentary therapies’ Category

Miracle Mineral Supplement – a critical review

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on March 8, 2011

There’s a lot of cancer-related info on this site – which supports and extends the info and critical discussion in my two cancer books – see for details

Miracle Mineral Supplement – a critical review

Jim Humble made a big mistake when he first named his sodium chlorite solution ‘Miracle’ Mineral Supplement. It was walking straight into the hands of the so-called quackwatchers (the feral hounds from hell who protect the gates of ‘science’). What could smack more of quackery? Humble then called it simply MMS and has recently renamed it ‘Master Mineral Supplement’ . He has also founded a church where the substance can be worshipped.  Is this  a tactical exercise to create a space of freedom to use a product that might otherwise be proscribed. Or is it that Jim Humble has flipped his lid?

Now the truth is that 28% sodium chlorite solution is powerful stuff. I recently made the mistake of rubbing some on some fungus glose to my groin. The result was certainly a case of the cure being worse than the disease. Within about 15 minutes all the fungal growth in that area came screaming to the surface of the skin as if burnt by a flame thrower. It was extremely painful for about a weak. But did it work? Yes it did.

I have also used it orally. Doesn’t taste good but it certainly made me sleep soundly (and I just took a few drops). But I am not a doctor. Here is Dr Sircus’s commentary on MMS (Dr Sircus is of course the exponent of a rival master mineral supplement –  magnesium (preferably in the form of magnesium chloride oil). Some of the comments and testimonials make some very worrying points about MMS and I for one will certainly treat it with a great deal more caution than I have done up till now

Note: The Cancer Survivor’s Bible (2012) is now available – see

“This book gives hope. …I wish I had read this book before I was diagnosed. My doctors and the cancer charities didn’t tell me any of this.”

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