Cancerfighter’s Weblog

Alternative cancer therapies and ideas

Archive for May, 2013

Make your own liposomal vitamin C

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on May 27, 2013

Liposomal vitamin C is vitamin C that is fat soluble and therefore far more efficiently absorbed into the body – by a factor of 4 to 1. Unfortunately liposomal vitamin C in the marketplace is relatively expensive. The link below describes a process by which – or so it is claimed – ordinary vitamin C can be made into liposomal vitamin C relatively cheaply.

If you need to get a global perspective on cancer read The Cancer Survivor’s Bible

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Are cancers different from each other?

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on May 11, 2013

Are cancers different from each other?
This is the view of mainstream medicine – each cancer is unique and there many be hundreds of different types of breast cancer for example. To follow tghe logic of this view we would need thousands of tailor-made chemo drugs to fight all these different cancers.

Or are cancers essentially the same?
This is the holistic view. Cancers share characteristics and so can benefit from the same interventions – diet, herbs, supplements etc.

There are dozens if not hundreds of effective cancer cures. None are perfect but in combination they can be powerfully effective. The proof is that people are curing themselves of cancer using very different strategies.

Download my free book containing over two dozen stories of people who have recovered from cancer (in one case hauling himself out of a hospice back to well ness; in another case…well they are all interesting so just read the book which you can find at

What’s caused these cancers to appear? Why do we have more cancer now than at any other time in history? Something toxic is happening. But we don’t have to be passive victims. The first step to recovery is to know the facts – and to evaluate all the options. Read: The Cancer Survivor’s Bible

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Green Pastures – an allegorical tale

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on May 8, 2013

Green Pastures

I’m from around these parts. I’ve been here a long time. So I know what I’m talking about. Now, every so often, once a week at least, a person driving by will stop and ask: “How much further along is Green Pastures?” Well when they ask me that, I have to judge the situation thoughtfully for I am about to impart an inconvenient truth. Fact is this road doesn’t go to Green Pastures. I know! I know! All the road signs say this is the way to Green Pastures. And the new map they’ve come out with says this road goes to Green Pastures. And the engineers building the road say that’s where it’s going. Why would they not? If folks don’t come this way then there’s no point building the road and if the road don’t get built then the road engineers don’t get paid to build it. You see where I’m going with this. So everyone will tell you that this is the road to Green Pastures. All the motels and stores along the way and the gas stations will all agree that this is the road to Green Pastures. But all you got to do is look up, look around you. That way you see there are hills with green pastures on them rising a way off to the left and more hills with green pastures off to the right, but ahead, where the road is going, there are no Green Pastures. So that’s why some of them pull over and ask for directions.

So it’s left to me to tell them that no, this isn’t the way to Green Pastures. In truth this is the desert highway that goes nowhere. To get to Green Pastures you have to go back the way you’ve come; you’ve got to go back a distance and then take one of the small windy roads that go away from the highway up into the hills, either to the left or to the right. In fact I always say you should drive around a lot just to see which of those little windy roads you like best.

But when I say this to the drivers who stop they get angry. They always get angry: “The map says this highway goes to Green Pastures and now you’re telling me it doesn’t. I think you’re telling me Bullshit.”
Well, when they say that I just walk away. No skin off my nose they don’t get to reach Green Pastures. That’s their problem, no-one else’s.

And sometimes they will say to me: “Sir, the reason I stopped was for you to give me hope, for you to inspire me by telling me that this is the right way, that I am on the right track. And now, wow! I can’t believe it. How insensitive can you be? You’ve just taken all my hope and crushed it and crumpled it. You have let uncertainty take up residence in my soul. What you should have done, sir, is assure me I am on the right road. Then my heart would have sung anew and I would have driven off with new hope that soon I would reach Green Pastures. That’s what you should have said to me.

And there are others who think I am just trying to trick them into deviating from the path. They say to me: “I do not wish to deviate and I do not wish to have this uncertainty tainting my thoughts. So I am going to assume that you are trying to trick me and maybe that you are planning to get a dollar or two out of me. Your purpose is mercenary, sir.”

And there are others who say something like this: “Sir, can’t you see I have already made up my mind to drive in this direction to Green Pastures. Your telling me I am going in the wrong direction is not useful to me.”

And there are others who panic, who throw their arms up and say: “But the map says this is the right road.” And they glare at me as if I am the cause of the problem.

And some come to me saying “I’m lost! I’m lost!” And I try to calm them down. I tell them I know the answer, that I can help them. But they continue to say: “I am lost! I am lost!” As if their ignorance cancels out my knowledge.

And there were times, in the early days, when I would wake up at three in the morning and ask myself: Am I mad? Everyone says the highway goes to Green Pastures. Who am I to say it doesn’t? What do I know? What qualifications have I got? But then I let my mind consider the whole thing, the terrain, the ways of getting there, the direction the highway is going in, the arid wastes ahead. Then I feel comfortable again. I have that confidence again that I am right.

And if I were a patient man, I could say to them, it will not take you far out of your way to follow my directions so that you can see for yourself whether what I am telling you is true or false. And as for money, this diversion will not cost you much, and will indeed this cost will be repaid tenfold in the currency of knowledge. You can go back and try one of the short windy roads and if they bring you to Green Pastures then well and good – and if they don’t then you’ll know I have misled you and you will be able to warn others. You will be able to say to them: “If you see an old fellow who says he knows the terrain and suggests you return and take a different road, well don’t believe him sir.” Yes, you will be able to say that not from prejudice or assumption but from the truth derived from your experience. And what is more, my friend, if, by following my directions, you find yourself in Green Pastures, you will be able to say: “That man told me the truth. I was lucky I stopped and asked him because everyone else was telling me lies.”

Yes sir. That’s what you will be able to say.

© Jonathan Chamberlain 2013

Jonathan Chamberlain is author of The Cancer Survivor’s

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the importance of the hypothalamus for cancer patients

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on May 2, 2013

Recently scientists have discovered that the hypothalamus of mice can be tinkered with and in so doing the mice will live longer. Here is a link to the story

While there are chemical ways of achieving this, presumably there are also dietary ways so I went looking for suggestions as to how the hypothalamus may be stimulated. Here are some suggestions:

“calyx156” on Yahoo answers says:

As the hypothalamus is part of the endocrine system, any food that stimulates/helps glandular function will do the same for the hypothalamus. This would include such especially beneficial foods/supplements as lecithin, seaweeds, green vegetables, deep yellow/orange veggies such as carrots, yams, squashes, sweet potatoes, essential fatty acids (EFA’s) from foods like sardines, salmon, tuna, mackeral, bluefish, evening primrose, borage oil, rapeseed (canola), olive oil, and all nuts and seeds (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, especially), and all foods high in minerals, especially rare earths as these are particularly involved in the correct functioning of the endocrine system. Some foods that can hamper the well-being and good functioning of this system are soy (especially in regard to thyroid and parathroid functioning), the Brassica family (cabbage, collards, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels’ Sprouts, mustard, turnips, radishes, etc.), and much of the pea/bean/lentil family, believe it or not. Many of these foods are so healthful for other parts of the body, I say eat them all anyway, except for people (usually women) who are severely hypo (or low) thyroid. The endocrine system seems to respond really well to warming herbs and spices, too, so spice it up! Use garlic, mustard, turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice, mace, ginger (especially ginger!), coriander, hing (asafoetida), cumin, pepper (unless the person has liver issues), curry (which is just a mix of these warming spices, as is curry paste and garam masala in differing amounts). There’s lots more info available on these very issues, do some research yourself! Additionally, there is an immense amount of info that shows some meat consumption may indeed be necessary for the longterm proper functioning of the body. There’s probably just as much however, that shows vegetarianism is the way to go, so listen to your own body deeply. I am a person who HAS to eat animal food, or I get very, very sick, b/c I am a brittle diabetic who has diabetes on both sides of her family. I do NOT do well on a vegetarian diet. Add a little seafood or poultry, however and I do much better. This seems to be true of a lot of people as they age as well. Humans have the teeth and guts of omnivores. It makes intuitive sense to me that we eat that way then.

Another suggestion is to make a point of looking at bright light. This means taking off those dark glasses for 20-30 minutes a day.

Finally, Leptin, a hormone that regulates energy, appears to have a positive impact on regulating the hypothalamus. Increased Leptin sensitivity is achieved by increasing the amount of fish, pulses (beans) and other vegetables you eat.


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