Cancerfighter’s Weblog

Alternative cancer therapies and ideas

Archive for August, 2010

iodine and cancer

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on August 31, 2010

Cancer: the Complete Recovery Guide –

Iodine and Cancer

Naturopath Loretta Lanphier posted this info on a yahoo chat group:

I have had cancer clients using 200 mg of iodine daily without issue.  With cancer one should begin at 50-100 mg.  Also, there are very important companion nutrients that should be taken with iodine in order to minimize any detoxification that may happen (discussed below).

More information about iodine and the thyroid –

About Nascent Iodine

Nascent Iodine – A scientific term for iodine that can have a huge energy release. To produce iodine in the pre-nascent state a ten gallon electrolytic bath can have only 8 ounces of iodine (1 ounce per gallon of liquid) for 15 minutes at 30 amps of resistance. This takes much longer and is more difficult to produce; therefore, most people do not want to take the time to make nascent iodine. The iodine molecule has the diatomic bond broken and has a high amount of electromagnetic energy associated. During the 2 to 3 hour of activation time the nascent iodine has the ability to be of great assistance to the body. Much more the nascent state is considered by science to be very effective. They have mentioned an MD promoting Iodine in the 1970’s who said Iodine produced by brown lime was the best form of Iodine. That is, in fact, Nascent iodine.

The quality that separates nascent iodine from all other iodine products is that the diatomic bond is broken in this condition and that the iodine atoms each keep one of the two electrons that had made up the covalent bond. This is known as homolytic cleavage and causes the iodine atom to be subject to magnetic charging. The iodine being in the atomic state was the reason it was called Atomidine, for Atomic Iodine (1926 to 1935). This atomic state and large electromagnetic charge is held by the atom until diluted in water and consumed. Once diluted and inside the body this atom is readily absorbed and utilized by the body.

To quote the 1930’s document by Schieffelin and Company:

“The lethal dose of Atomidine (1926 to 1935) in animals is very large, which accounts for the absence of untoward effects in clinical use. Due probably to its rapid absorption and its ready combination with harmless proteid or other organic compounds in the body, iodism very rarely occurs even in sensitive persons.” 1930’s nascent iodine

This charged atom of iodine starts a process of relaxation where it gradually loses energy, 2 to 3 hours. During this time the body recognizes this atom as the same nascent iodine it produces in the thyroid in order to make the T3 and T4 hormones. It must also recognize “the well known germicidal qualities of the nascent iodine atom”.

If the body does recognize both these qualities, it can then use this charged atom in the thyroid or elsewhere in the body as needed.

The body requires more or less nascent iodine depending on the task being addressed. To boost the body systems may require very small amounts, a few drops once a day. In the other extreme with life threatening illnesses, it has been reported that to fight parasites from malaria requires as much as 20 drops 5 times for the first day. And then 10 drops 4 times a day until the blood stream is clear in a few days.

The nascent iodine effect is well known in science and medicine. Several medical patents exist for non-consumable nascent iodine. In summary, the actual difference between nascent iodine and detoxified iodine is that nascent iodine can have a much greater impact on the body. Its abilities far exceed the simple being easy to absorb and safe, it can do real work in the thyroid and throughout the body.

Below is some good information from the yahoo Iodine group.  The owner of the group does not recommend nascent iodine and for more difficult cases of thyroid concerns or cancer, I usually do not either.  But Nascedyne is great for those wanting to add iodine supplementation or for those who do not have chronic thyroid issues.  Also, there have been some on the group that have and are using nascent iodine and feeling much better without all the side effects that Iodine/Iodoral sometimes gives.  Some have even lost weight using nascent iodine.

Iodine Therapy Information

Adrenal Support  (heart palps, racing pulse)

Sometimes one will feel jittery when taking iodine.  Some have also described a “vibrating” sensation.  Others have reported heart palpitations or even increased pulse rates.  This is more than likely adrenal related. (Note:  If these continue seek the advice of your healthcare practitioner)  Performing the following supplementation can help with these symptoms.

2,000 mgs Vitamin C  (try to find one that is not corn derived)
200 – 400 mgs Magnesium  (Ancient Minerals Magnesium transdermal oil will also work.)
1/2 tsp Himalayan Crystal Salt

Salt Loading / Adrenal Support Protocol

Use the salt loading protocol when you are experiencing issues/symptoms with iodine supplementation.

1/2 tsp celtic (or other unrefined) salt in 1/2 cup of warm water

Follow the above with a glass of 12 oz filtered water.

** Repeat every 30-45 minutes as needed until urination begins.

Why does this help?

Salt – containing chloride – binds to the bromide in the blood stream and carries it out through the kidneys.

Continued Support

Biotics Research Cytozyme AD (adrenal complex)
Vitamin C  (to bowel tolerance)
Himalayan Crystal Salt
Optimum E 100/100
Max Stress Nano-B Complex
Pure Energy

Liver / Kidney Overload

Optimum Wellness Liver/Gallbladder cleanse
Kidney Cleanse

Will Too much iodine will damage the thyroid?

In 1948 UC Berkley released a study called the Wolff-Chaikoff Effect.  This resulted in the removal of iodine from the nation’s food supply.

The Wolff-Chaikoff Effect is defined as the inhibition of organic binding of iodide in the thyroid gland by excess iodide, resulting in the cessation of thyroid hormone synthesis. In layman’s terms, it was asserted that at a certain point when the thyroid became overwhelmed with too much iodine it would shut the thyroid down.

Dr. David Brownstein recommends testing Free T3 and Free T4 along with evaluating clinical symptoms when seeing increasing TSH numbers in iodine supplementation.  TSH can be elevated to levels of 75 for up to 6 months with no clinical symptoms.  The thyroid gland is doing its job.  TSH rises to increase thyroglobulin which binds to the increased iodine in the blood stream to create thyroid hormones T4 and T3.  (Conventional doctors will literally scream about this TSH rise but Dr. Brownstein found that it is normal when using iodine.)

After the Wolff-Chaikoff Effect was released in a medical report, the medical community jumped on the bandwagon and shunned the use of iodine stating it would damage your thyroid.  Thus began iodophobia.

In 1970 Wartofsky evaluated the effect of Lugol solution, administered at 5 drops (30 mgs iodine / iodide) three times daily in five thyrotoxic patients.  Following this protocol it was concluded that the rapid decrease in T4 secretion induced by iodine was not a result of the Wolff Chaikoff Effect but from a decrease in the fractional rate of T4.

As Dr. Abraham states – the Wolff-Chaikoff Effect is only crying wolf.  (article)

Why is this important to those with thyroid cancer as well as other cancers?

Iodine is very important to an individual diagnosed with thyroid cancer – with or without a thyroid.  Iodine induces apoptosis.  Apoptosis is programmed cell death which is how the body removes cells that have damaged DNA as cancer cells do.

Thoughts on Iodine Deficiency – High Doses of Iodine Needed For the Very Sick

Iodine Deficiency:  An Under Recognized Epidemic
By Dr. David Brownstein, MD

Excerpt from the article:

However, 50 mg/day of iodine in an individual ill with a serious illness such as cancer or an autoimmune disorder may be insufficient to meet their needs. My clinical and laboratory experience has shown that ill individuals generally need more iodine as compared to healthy individuals. At 25-50 mg/day of iodine, it may take years for an ill individual to become iodine sufficient. In these cases, I sometimes recommend increased dosages of iodine.

Below are the Companion Nutrients for those using Iodine Therapy and are HIGHLY Recommended while using Iodine Therapy

Iodine (Lugols Liquid or Iodoral – contains  iodine & iodide) 25 – 100 mgs  (Nascedyne is energized iodine made popular by Edgar Casey.  Some may want to begin with this when first diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Follow directions on bottle  Also good to use with children.  I would also suggest Nascedyne for those who want to add iodine to their supplements and do not have thyroid issues.)

Vitamin C – 2,000 – 4,000 mgs  (or to bowel tolerance)
Selenium 200 mcg
Magnesium 200 – 400 mgs  (Ancient Minerals transdermal magnesium.  Most will not experience loose bowels with transdermal application.)
Himalayan Crystal Salt – ½ – 1 tsp  (see salt-loading protocol above)

Additional nutrients to assist with the utilization of iodine

Max Stress B Nano-Plex
Methylcobalamin B-12 Select Spray

(Tony has many of the supplements available on his website under Oasis Advanced Wellness.)

Be Well

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Alpha-lipoic-acid and colon cancer

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on August 23, 2010

Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide –

Alpha Lipoic Acid and colon cancer

Alpha lipoic acid promotes cell death(apoptosis) in human colon cancer cells. It increases respiration in the mitochondria and therefore increases the amount of oxygen in the cancer cell. Oxygen is toxic to cancer. One suggested dose is 1800mg

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Asparagus, glutathione and cancer

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on August 23, 2010

Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide –

Asparagus, glutathione and cancer

“Asparagus is the highest tested food containing glutathione. Glutathione

is one of the most potent anticarcinogens and antioxidants. I’ve often read that it
is considered to be the body’s master antioxidant. There is a puree that one can
make and take 4 tablespoons twice a day.Check it out at this link:

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Artemisin curing dog cancer

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on August 23, 2010

Cancer: The complete Recovery Guide –

Artemisin and dog cancer

Here is testimony of artemisin’s anti-cancer effects in a dog:

I had to post this after having success with Artemisinin. I have a dog with
very very aggressive mammary gland cancer, from over-breading. She is 13, came
to me as a rescue and was severely underweight. Two weeks after getting her we
noticed tumors in her mammary glands…one the size of a cucumber. They were
growing fast. After taking her to the vet, she was given a 1 month death
sentence. The vet said to make her comfortable.

So I researched herbs for cancer. I chose to go with Artemisinin. The dosage
for a dog was 1-4mg per pound. I decided to go with the 4mg, and gave her 200mg
a day, once a day, every day with no break in between.

That was a week after getting the death sentence that I started this. She also
eats dog food with no corn or wheat.

So as of today, the cucumber tumor has shrunk to a cherry tomato size lump. She
is very energetic (energy increased the same day I gave it to her) and she has
no pain. She is on nothing but the Artemisinin.

You can get it anywhere, I got mine at Vitacost.

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DMSO and ‘Activated MMS’ cancer cure

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on August 23, 2010

Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide –


Here is Kathy’s testimony – as published on a Yahoo chat group:

my daughter used the DMSO mixed with the Activated MMS, called the OCC back then and nothing like they are saying to for now, for her cancer, and it worked, or something did. She is still cancer free after two years. ..cancer free, with no side effects? Now, she painted the cancerous areas best she could, and many other areas on her body as it is alot of liquid to absorb.
> Kathy

NOTE: The 2012 edition of The Cancer Survivor’s Bible is now available – see for details

“This book…was invaluable to me in making my decisions about follow-up treatment.”


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Hawaiian salt

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on August 23, 2010

Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide –

Hawaiian salt

Worth investigating perhaps? Here is one description.

“Black Lava Salt comes from Hawaii and is a blend of sea salt and purified volcanic charcoal. This salt is evaporated in above ground pools that formed naturally from lava flows. Activated charcoal is added for color and its detoxifying effects. Activated Charcoal is a proven anti-toxin and digestive-tract palliative; many take it as a nutritional supplement. Black lava salt has an unforgettable aroma and important health benefits from the charcoal in lava. ”

Black salt is also found in India from lava. It has a sulphurous odor. It is reputedly good for cancer. Here is one link.
> >

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Pancreatic cancer treatment with Nigella Sativa and alkaline water

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on August 23, 2010

Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide –

Pancreatic Cancer, Nigella Sativa and alkaline water

‘Guy’ posted this interesting article and link on a Yahoo chat group:

Check out post #41244 on this forum

…also this article from Natural news:

(NaturalNews) Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia have discovered that an extract of nigella sativa seed oil, known as thymoquinone, can remedy one of the most virulent and difficult to treat cancers: pancreatic cancer. The extract does this by blocking pancreatic cell growth, and actually enhancing the built-in cellular function that causes programmed cell death, or apoptosis.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most difficult cancers to treat. It usually presents no symptoms in its early stages, unless the common bile duct is obstructed by a tumor (in which case jaundice would occur). However, as the cancer progresses, more symptoms do present themselves. Nausea, diarrhea, weight loss, weakness and pain after eating are all symptoms of pancreatic cancer. Unfortunately, these symptoms could be indicative of other disorders as well, so it is a challenging cancer to diagnose that requires thorough testing. Many people are not diagnosed until the cancer has spread; therefore, treatment is often very complex since the cancer has advanced to other areas.

As of now, there is little known about its causes, and less known about how to treat it. There are a few clues to its origins, however. A 2007 study showed that diabetes during pregnancy can lead to pancreatic cancer later in life; smoking also increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer as well. There may also be some evidence to suggest a link between type 2 diabetes mellitus and pancreatic cancer, but there still is no succinct, hard evidence to prove a link. Through all of this, nigella sativa (also known as black cumin) may be a potential solution to pancreatic cancer and could be the breakthrough that is needed to solve this complex problem.

This herb is popular across the Middle East and India, and is widely known in those parts to aid in a variety of disorders. From emphysema and asthma, to colic and cancer, this herb has a colorful and storied history that stretches far back in time, even to the Biblical era. With pancreatic cancer being the fourth-leading cause of cancer death in the United States, killing approximately 34,000 people each year, more research needs to be conducted on the effectiveness of this herb in treating this and other cancers. Though more empirical data is needed, Middle-Eastern folklore describes nigella sativa as one of the most potent healing agents, curing a variety of disorders, other cancers, and having anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Sometimes, especially in the case of this herb, folklore is more than just exaggerated stories of indigenous peoples; it can actually be useful in everyday life and provide the much needed help that conventional practices do not offer. In fact, according to Arab proverbs, nigella sativa is quoted as having the ability to cure all disease except death. Though its properties in healing all diseases has not been empirically verified, if folklore is going to be a guide to health and wellness, the best herb to start with would be nigella sativa.

Traditional treatments for pancreatic cancer are the same as the treatments for other cancers: loading the body up with toxins that kill the patient before killing the cancer (chemotherapy), and radiation. But, as with many other cancers, this method is not very successful (as mentioned before, 34,000 people die each year from pancreatic cancer). Side effects of the allopathic approach to this disorder include anything from skin reactions to disruption of insulin production, so pancreatic cancer treatments are often very uncomfortable.

Nigella sativa offers an alternative to this fate, giving cancer patients access to a treatment that actually works for them. As the path of allopathic remedies has dimmed on this cancer, sentencing its sufferers to a life of pain and misery, another, less invasive and more effective path has opened. Through herbal treatment, a way to a cure has been paved, offering relief that cannot be found amongst the cold hospital walls.

This study also helps dispel the myth that herbs are just herbs, and are thus ineffective in treating disease. This herb is just one of many that are now being discovered as breaking the mold and defeating the lie. This herb proves useful and helpful in treating every day illnesses and complex illnesses as well.



About the author
Ella Andersen is a college student who intensely researchs topics on health and nutrition. In college, she is furthering her love of nutrition by pursuing a degree in clinical dietetics.
She also runs her own blog:

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Canola oil – warning

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on August 23, 2010

Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide –

Canola Oil – A warning from ‘Dorothy’

Canola stands for Canada oil that is made from rapeseed which is
> toxic to humans and used for big business for engines and such. The
> only way to have it not be extremely toxic is to process it
> dramatically under extremely controlled conditions with no light or
> heat and there are few (if any) companies that can do it properly.
> It’s dirt cheap because it’s not food, it’s leftovers from industry.
> It makes me deathly ill whenever I eat something that contains it
> unknowingly. I know the feeling so well that I can ask the restaurant
> or store if there was canola in the food and they always come back
> with yes. Most vegetable oils are canola if not specified or contain
> some canola because it’s so cheap. Many olive oils in restaurants are
> now cut with canola too.
> It’s EVIL, NASTY, HORRIBLE STUFF!!!! It’s not food – much like
> cottonseed oil. You’d be so much better eating just about any other
> fat there is… even deep fried…. that’s how strongly I feel about
> that garbage that has been sold to the public as a health food.
> I could rant all day, but that’s enough. You get the picture.
> Dorothy

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Aloe and cancer

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on August 23, 2010

ancer: The Complete Recovery Guide –

Aloe and Cancer

Here are some links relating to the use of aloe against cancer

Romano Zago recomended in his book this cure for almust 15 years now. a year ago R. Zago and others published this research ,wich show great sucsess for aloe (Aloe arborescens)

tongue cancer

Aloe-emodin induces cell death through S-phase arrest and caspase-dependent pathways in human tongue squamous cancer SCC-4 cells

pancreatic cancer

Chemopreventive effects of Aloe arborescens on N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl) amine-induced pancreatic carcinogenesis in hamsters


Effects of aloe arborescens ingestion on azoxymethane-induced intestinal carcinogenesis and hematological and biochemical parameters of male F344 rats.

Immunomodulation activity
Aloctin A, An Active Substance Of Aloe Arborescens Miller As An Immunomodulator

In vivo evidence of the immunomodulatory activity of orally administered Aloe vera gel

skin cancer
Aloe arborescens extract inhibits TPA-induced ear oedema, putrescine increase and tumour promotion in mouse skin.

liver cancer
Critical role of oxidative stress and sustained JNK activation in aloe-emodin-mediated apoptotic cell death in human hepatoma cells

Chemical composition

Chemical composition of Aloe arborescens and its change by biostimulation

cervical cancer
Anticancer effect of aloe-emodin on cervical cancer cells involves G2/M arrest and induction of differentiation.

gastric cancer

Suppression of C-myc expression associates with anti-proliferation of aloe-emodin on gastric cancer cells.

brain cancer
Anti-glioma action of aloe emodin: the role of ERK inhibition

brain cancer
Aloe—emodin modulates PKC isozymes, inhibits proliferation, and induces apoptosis in U-373MG glioma cells

neuroectodermal tumors
Aloe-emodin  anticancer agent with selective activity against neuroectodermal tumors.

multiple myeloma
Emodin has a cytotoxic activity against human multiple myeloma as a Janus-activated kinase 2 inhibitor

Others suggest that Aloe Barbadensis Miller is also beneficial

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Forget surgery! Go for radio frequency ablation

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on August 23, 2010

Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide –

Radio Frequency Ablation

A new device has just got FDA approval for its ability to cause  “thermal coagulative necrosis of cancer tissues” – Ralph Moss has a brief explanation of its benefits compared with surgery.,english/

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