Cancerfighter’s Weblog

Alternative cancer therapies and ideas

Archive for January, 2009

Beata Bishop’s review

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 31, 2009 news:

Beata Bishop, author of A Time to Heal, and a long term survivor of metastatic melanoma wrote this review in  Network Review, the journal of the Scientific and Medical Network (January 2009):

Since hi-tech modern medicine, wonderful in acute and emergency cases, can only offer symptomatic treatment against chronic degenerative diseases, alternative methods should be objectively examined and, if found effective, widely used. This is the drift of Jonathan Chamberlain’s “Cancer – The Complete Recovery Guide”. The author is a former teacher, now full-time author, with no medical background. But when his wife was diagnosed with cervical cancer 15 years ago, he desperately looked for a book that would contain information on every possible alternative and complementary therapy to help her recover. He found no such book. She underwent all available orthodox treatments and died a year later. He decided to write the missing book – the one under review – himself. His sole purpose has been to inform and educate, not to recommend any of the thoroughly researched .alternative therapies. Like a good teacher, and unlike Professor Ernst, he respects the reader and keeps stressing that everyone must make their own decision as to which modality to choose, and be responsible for that choice. This “travel guide to the strange country of cancer” begins with an explanation of the essence of the disease and its many causes (“It hasn’t come from Mars”); it continues with an objective description of orthodox treatments, their risks and benefits, and ways to reduce their often distressing side effects. Throughout the tone is clear, objective, modest but knowledgeable. It becomes sharper when we reach the subject of cancer research and its many flaws. Ethics and the control of research by drug companies come under dispassionate factual scrutiny. So does the alarmingly close bond between medicine and Big Pharma, as defined by some distinguished doctors outside that bond. All in all, the first 96 pages of this big book give the lay reader the kind of all-round information that is invaluable in health and possibly life-saving once cancer has struck. Chamberlain is not against doctors, only against their lack of knowledge outside school medicine’s tight box. The rest of the book describes a large number of complementary and alternative approaches, including diet, nutrition, herbs and botanicals, biological therapies, energy medicine and more. Entries are arranged in alphabetical order, giving availability and other references but making no claims for any healing potential. Indeed, the all-pervading message to the reader is to read, research, compare possibilities and then choose responsibly – an important reminder in an area where most people are too reliant on “the experts” and too unwilling to do their own thinking. Chamberlain’s chapter on “Cancer Pioneers and Outcasts” shows the heavy penalties suffered by those who dare to step out of line and are more interested in finding new ways of healing than in their career chances. Case histories of recovered patients strike a positive note, just like the benefits of well-run support groups, which diminish the sense of isolation that many cancer sufferers experience.. As a recovered cancer patient myself, I believe that Chamberlain’s comprehensive book is filling a big gap in the available literature on CAM, which tends to concentrate on individual therapies and substances, without presenting all available modalities. This volume is almost too comprehensive, which is why the author has also produced a smaller “Cancer Recovery Guide” (Clairview Books, 2008, £9.95), with only 15 CAM strategies for restoring health, as a quick reference for people in a hurry. My only criticism is. that references are given within the text, not set out and listed in the usual way, and therefore are impossible to find quickly. I hope this will be put right in the next edition. There should be one soon.

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undenatured whey and Budwig protocol

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 29, 2009

The Big Book: Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide

The Small Book: Cancer Recovery Guide: 15 Alternative and Complementary Strategies for Restoring Health  –  For more information go to

“This book tells me everything. Why didn’t my doctor tell me this?” – Rev Bill Newbern

Jim McElroy reports:

My reasons for taking it (undenatured whey isolate) are:

1. The convincing report I read on Duncan Crowe’s website about his
claimed improvement on the Budwig protocol, which uses whey isolate.
He doesn’t recommend any specific whey product, although he says two
are good (NOW and one other…)

2. A way to increase the sulphur containing proteins in my Budwig
mix while decreasing the casien and other bad dairy components.

3. Because it has made me feel a lot better — improved my muscle
tone significantly. I have slouched my entire life, but after I
started taking the whey the slouching went away.

4. Because I keep reading reports that it increases glutathione in
normal cells while decreasing it in cancer cells.

I use about 50 grams a day, in one serving.

Note: The Cancer Survivor’s Bible (2012) is now available – see

“An inspirational guide…a must for anyone who fears the dreadful diagnosis.”


Posted in cancer and diet, Cancer Cure Stories and other Personal Experiences | 4 Comments »

More of Vincent Gammill’s words of wisdom

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 27, 2009

There’s really a lot of info on this site so do browse. This supports and extends the info and critical discussion in my two cancer books.  For more information go to


“This book tells me everything. Why didn’t my doctor tell me this?”- Rev. Bill Newbern


The foundation for ANY healing protocol must come from a place of
>positive emotion and belief, for without this, no stage can be set,
>no foundation laid for a strong house.
> >

This seems to be quite true, but I think we can explore further.

I have seen thousands of people with cancer over decades and because
of the nature of my program I get to know many of them quite well. I
constantly search for factors that seem to affect outcomes. Some
factors are obvious: Can the patient afford the requisite meds? How
disciplined is the patient? Is there multiple drug resistance that
would undermine a fresh approach?

When I go over the numbers of people who do extremely well with the
worst cancers, I see a major factor that can’t be characterized
better than by saying how upbeat they are. This upbeatness seems to
be closely associated with both their intrinsic nature and often
their religion.

If anyone on the list is shopping for a religion, I can help. Pick
one that emphasizes the positive. I don’t think it is beneficial to
dwell on perdition, shame, guilt, or even too much thinking about
spiritual matters. Pick a religion that strongly emphasizes service
to others. Pick a religion with a sense of community — especially a
community that will support your medical choices. I see a sense of
joy, and humor, and general upbeatness that I don’t see elsewhere.

If religions rub you the wrong way, find an organization that you
believe in that stresses service to others even though those services
are largely limited to those within the group. AA jumps to mind. If
your organization or religion doesn’t buy into
alternative/ integrative medicine, then keep details of your approach
to health very selective.

Another thing to keep in mind is that not all cancer support groups
are created equal. I have had many clients who were virtual refugees
from conventional support groups. They would watch as their
new-found friends would die one by one. Any alternative suggestions
were met with hostility. I think such groups are cults created to
worship physicians and misery. The same is true for some of the
on-line groups.

If upbeatness is not a part of your nature it can still be attained
obliquely through service, but there is one type of upbeatness that
is not in your interest. This is unwarranted ebullience. It is not
in your interest to have your emotions whipsawed by numbers on your
tumor marker tests or any other single parameter. In cancer, things
are rarely as good as they may seem and rarely as bad as they
seem. A certain equanimity can serve you well in patiently assessing
your situation.

Equally important is belief, as this allows you to relax. That
belief can be a belief in an omnipotent God who loves you enormously,
or it can be an unshakable faith in the road chosen, it can even be a
smug belief that you can solve every problem yourself.

I think that loving your work helps inoculate you against serious
disease. We have a 75 y/o immunologist on the board of our center
who has metastatic renal cancer. This was diagnosed four years
ago. He was told he had about a month to live. He is not a good
patient. Quality of life, he says. I think he has cheese with every
meal. He is totally distracted by his work. He flies around the
world giving speeches at immunology conferences, spends time in the
lab, writes papers (some 350 peer-reviewed) , and applies for
grants. He and I have set up a new lab to make meds that are
otherwise unobtainable. I think he plans to be on this planet from
here on out. He is one very upbeat man.

I had a case of a woman with breast cancer whose abdomen was rigid
with metastases. She came to Del Mar, CA to do our program, but she
would miss appointments because she was having too much fun
shopping. It was a little frustrating for me. Her cancer just
melted away. I found out later that when she came here she was also
escaping an abusive husband. When she kept her appointments she
would spend much of the time laughing.

There was a woman who came to me last July. She had massive cancers
filling her entire left breast. All her physicians — both
conventional and integrative — strongly recommended surgery. She
declined. She said she liked her breasts. This woman has been very
diligent doing the program — unlike the last woman I mentioned. We
had an ultrasound elastogram done this week and her cancer is almost
entirely gone. What little remains appears mostly benign and cannot
be palpated. She has also lost about 40 unwanted pounds thanks to
the diet. The woman is a nationally known cartoonist and sees the
humor in almost anything.

Who are the losers in spite of winning therapies? First of all those
who want to die. I see this most often among women who were once
very proud of their bodies and have been horribly mutilated by
surgery. I am not talking about a simple mastectomy. There are
bodies that look like they have been through a war zone. These women
fear rejection or have been rejected by their love interest. It is
sad and I have no facile solution.

Passive or lazy people tend to lose and this includes those who are
too philosophical about their cancer. These people need to learn
that they create their own destiny. I am always looking for ways to
light a fire under their tails to get them motivated.

Hostile people tend to lose. I am careful to distinguish whether a
person is argumentative for non-hostile reasons. I once had a woman
whom I thought was hostile but she did very well. You learn from
those cases that you think you are going to win and then lose, and
from those cases that you think you are going to lose and then
win. I analyzed her case: why did she win? It turns out she is a
businesswoman and her arguments were always over money. Her
arguments over money were sincere — she truly hated to spend money
— but in retrospect I think there was a strong element of sport in
it. So often truly hostile people want to escape something or hurt
someone. Some people fight to live; I think this woman lived to fight !!!

If anyone knows a good service-oriented, non-accusatory religion, let
me know so I can sign up. Oh, its gotta have a Black choir !!


Note: The Cancer Survivor’s Bible (2012) is now available – see

“This book is more valuable than gold.”


Posted in Cancer Cure Stories and other Personal Experiences, Cancer Perspectives, Completely off the topic but interesting | Tagged: | 3 Comments »

Vincent Gammill’s words of wisdom

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 27, 2009

The Big Book: Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide

The Small Book: Cancer Recovery Guide: 15 Alternative and Complementary Strategies for Restoring Health  –  For more information go to

“This book tells me everything. Why didn’t my doctor tell me this?”- Rev. Bill Newbern


One of the most difficult things to do is to undo the words of family, friends and most doctors! Words permeate our soul and mind – the part of us where our belief & hope is kept. Uncharitable or uninformed words can literally
>speak life or death to one with cancer. It is very difficult for a person to focus on getting well when having to deal with the uneducated words of those around him/her.

Words and actions can equally be used for the benefit of the patient. There have been occasions when I have asked new patients if they have made out a will. If they have I tell them to go tear it up because they aren’t going to
need it. The purpose is to try to undo the damage to the psyche that the diagnosing physician does when he/she comes into the room shaking his head and in a lugubrious tone informs the victim that the lab confirmed cancer — i.e., issued a death warrant.

Years ago I worked with Dr. Spaos in Cyprus. Before he would work with a new patient he would have them bring in all their prescription medicines. He would then take them out on the Mediterranean in his boat, and without
explanation he would wrap up all the meds with a stick of dynamite and blow them up. He would then return to port and start his treatment.


Note: The Cancer Survivor’s Bible (2012) is now available – see

“We were both comforted and somewhat inspired by the broad sweep of your book.”


Posted in Cancer Cure Stories and other Personal Experiences, Comments and Suggestions, Completely off the topic but interesting | 2 Comments »

Radiation detox

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 26, 2009

This post has been deleted

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Deborah’s story

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 26, 2009 news:

This is Deborah’s story:

When I was re-diagnosed in September 2007, I had enlarged lymph nodes in both the right and left sides of my pelvic area.  Subsequent scans have shown 3 – 5 cm in size (they are supposed to be the size of a pea) before they started to decrease.  I originally started on Bill Henderson’s protocol in December 2007, along with a bunch of other supplements I had researched.  Over time I began to fine tune what I was taking as I learned more.  In March 2008, my CT scan showed some shrinking of nodes on the right, and more clarity on that side than noted in the previous scan.  In July I did the 30 day juice fast, and in mid August I had another CT scan which showed all nodes normal on both sides except for one 7 cm node on the left that appears to have been still growing.  It was at that point that I started on LDN, which is supposed to work well on lymphomas.  In March (2009), I will have been on the LDN for 6 months and I have a CT/PET scan scheduled for March 2nd to see what I look like.

Being on this “protocol” has been an adjustment of course, mostly in diet, but I believe it has paid off big time.  People always show disbelief over what Ieat now, and I continue to say that I am in no way wasting away, and believe me, you find stuff to eat, you learn to modify recipes, you don’t just shrivel up and die.  Yeah, I can’t go to McDonalds for a cheese burger and fries, but I allow myself an organic cheese burger grilled at home once in a while.  I have learned to make healthy cookies and sugar free treats that I can have, guilt-free, and have found a pizza place that makes whole grain crust with all organic toppings…  At least when I want a little deviation from just cottage cheese and flax oil and fruits, nuts and veggies, I have the resources to make stuff myself or find healthy alternatives.  It’s not the end of life…
Except for the 2 markers in my blood that are indicative of lymphoma – low red blood cells/hemoglobin/hematocrit (anemia) and high sedementation rate (sed rate), my doctor says my blood otherwise looks healthier than a healthy person’s blood!  My vitamin D level is wonderful, my cholesterol is so low, as are my triglycerides, my blood pressure (taken on Monday at a Dr. appointment) was 104/60.  All other blood markers are normal and my doctor tells me to keep doing what I am doing.  BTW, my doctor is an M.D., not an onc, who also practices alternative medicine.
How do I feel?  Physically, I feel the healthiest I have ever felt in my life, if you can believe that.  I have plenty of energy, am active, still work full time as a Safety Manager for a Johnson & Johnson company.  My husband and I are house flippers on the side, which keeps my weekends full of construction work projects as we actually do most of the work ourselves.  I walk daily, and on the weekends my husband and I take long walks at the beach each day.  There was a time last year when people were constantly asking me “what I was doing.”  I have told very few people about the cancer, and even fewer people at work know what I am going through.  Yet people were asking me on a pretty frequent basis “what I was doing” as I “looked so good.”  Women were asking me what beauty products, make up, moisturizers, etc. that I was using because they were noticing how good my skin looked.  It was the weirdest thing!  People were constantly telling me I looked great!  All I can think is that my protocol was having an affect on me inside and it was showing on the outside.  I am currently 45 years old, tall, and slender.  When I do share my story with people, they look at me and tell me they would never know I was a cancer patient and that I look as though I have never been sick a day in my life.
I can honestly say that the protocol is the best thing that I could have done for myself.  I have a quality of life, I have taken the time to learn and become my own doctor, and I think the decision to be in control of this illness has been so liberating, rather than having the medical establishment make decisions for me and dictate my fate and ultimately, my quality of life.  If I lose the battle, I will have gone out my way, with my dignity and quality of life in tact.  I went the other route back in 2001.  I had 20 radiation treatments, 6 months of chemo, 2 major infections, blood clots, 6 transfusions, 10 surgeries, basically every major setback one could imagine.  On top of that, due to all the back surgeries, I had to learn to walk and use my legs again, which took months.  There are not many people who could have survived what I went through.  I lost 2 years out of my life and guess what?  It came back.  I’ll never do that again.

Note: The Cancer Survivor’s Bible (2012) is now available – see

“[your books] should be on the shelves of every medical practitioner…as well as patients and their families.”

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Oleander Based Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 23, 2009 news:

Oleander is increasingly being seen as a major anti-cancer herb. Tony Isaacs focuses his anti-cancer protocol around this herb. For further details go to

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Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 23, 2009 news:

CoQ10 is known to be highly beneficial for heart and as a cancer fighter – the higher the dose the better it is. Until now we have thought of doses of 200-400 as being high. Now along has come a precurer to CoQ10 which claims to send blood levels of CoQ10 soaring – their standard 1 capsule dose of Ge-Pro-CoQ10 will boost blood levels equivalent to taking 2,700mg – and is it toxic at this level? Apparently not. The bigger the dose the better the benefits – including benefits against Parkinsons and many other ailments.

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cheap magnesium chloride – food grade

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 23, 2009 news:

A good cheap source of magnesium chloride flakes – food grade is Mitoku Nigari flakes available here

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Health benefits of black pepper

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 19, 2009 news:

http://health. learninginfo. org/black- pepper.htm

The Health Benefits of Black Pepper

Black pepper is derived from the fruit of a climbing vine native to
southern India and Sri Lanka. White pepper is likewise made from this
fruit but is processed differently. Used almost universally, black
is one of the most common condiments worldwide and figures
prominently in most curry recipes. It is also frequently included in
the prescriptions of Ayurvedic and other traditional health
practitioners. The spicy tang of black pepper is due to its most
important and well-researched phytochemical, piperine.

Thanks to many of its constituent compounds such as eugenol,
kaempferol, myrcene, quercetin and rutin black pepper is a much more
effective antioxidant than many fruit and vegetables.

Moreover it contains the unique compound, piperine, which is capable of
enhancing the bioavailability of important nutritive compounds in other
foods and spices.

Medicinal Properties of Black Pepper


By increasing the bioavailability of other anti-tumourigenic spices,
black pepper dramatically increases their potency and effectiveness
against cancer. In addition to this important property, black pepper
also counteracts cancer development directly. Its principal
phytochemical, piperine, inhibits some of the pro-inflammatory
cytokines that are produced by tumour cells. In so doing it interferes
with the signalling mechanisms between cancer cells, thereby reducing
the chances of tumour progression. Collectively, these properties make
black pepper one of the most important spices for preventing cancer.

Oxidative stress

Black pepper contains several powerful antioxidants and is thus one of
the most important spices for preventing and curtailing oxidative
stress. In addition to their direct antioxidant properties, several of
these compounds work indirectly by enhancing the action of other
antioxidants. This makes black pepper particularly valuable in
minimising the damage caused by a diet rich in saturated fats, one of
the main causes of oxidative stress.

The high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides associated with
oxidative stress inhibit the efficacy of important antioxidants like
glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase,
vitamin C and vitamin E. However, in the face of this potentially
destructive process, black pepper actually maintains and enhances the
levels and efficacy of these important antioxidant compounds.


Black pepper exhibits immunomodulatory properties and is capable of
boosting the number and the efficacy of white cells, thereby assisting
the body to mount a powerful defense against invading microbes and
cancer cells.

Bioavailability enhancement

Piperine increases the bioavailability of valuable phytochemicals
present in other spices and can boost the activity of biochemically
active compounds contained in green tea, curcumin and a variety of
other spices by up to several hundred percent, depending on the
molecule concerned. It does this via two principal mechanisms. First,
it promotes the rapid absorption of certain chemicals from the
gastrointestinal tract, protecting them from being broken down by
chemicals in the intestinal lumen and by enzymes that occur in the
cells lining the intestines. Secondly, once the compound has entered
the blood stream, piperine provides protection against oxidative damage
by liver enzymes. In this way black pepper enables us to reap optimum
benefits from the medicinal phytochemicals found in other dietary

Its bioavailability enhancing properties makes black pepper one of the
most important spices. It should be added to recipes and meals as often
as possible as it boosts the medicinal value of many spices and other

About The Author:

Keith Scott is a medical doctor who has a special interest in
nutritional medicine. He has written several books on health related
topics including Medicinal Seasonings, The Healing Power Of Spices and
Natural Home Pharmacy.

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