Cancerfighter’s Weblog

Alternative cancer therapies and ideas

Posts Tagged ‘cancer herbs’

essiac recipe

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on December 28, 2014

This is not the original recipe but It has some useful additions
Burdock Root 52 parts
Sheep Sorrel 16 parts
Slippery Elm Bark 4 parts
Turkey Rhubarb Root 1 part
Kelp 2 parts
Red Clover 1 part
Blessed Thistle 1 part
Watercress .4 part

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Supplements for chemotherapy

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 2, 2014

Although I am utterly convinced that cancer is best treated by alternative approaches, I recognise this is not an opinion very widely shared. People often believe they have to make stark choices – one or the other – but there is the third way, if you like, where herbs, vitamins and other supplements are used to support the body while it undergoes gruelling chemo or radiation or surgery. I have recently come across the blog of someone who has mixed treatments in this way and since this is a first hand account based on personal experience I feel it carries weight. Here are the links:

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Free Book: Cancer Survivors’ Stories

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on December 12, 2011

Cancer? Natural Therapies work. Here is the proof.

18 years ago, my wife, Bernadette, was diagnosed with cancer and died 15 months later – as much from the impacts of her treatments as from the cancer itself. Since then I have been seeking an answer to the question: What will I do when I get cancer? (For me and you this is more a probability than just a likelihood).  I have found answers (quite a few in fact) and I want to share them with you.

But first I want you to believe, as I do, that the alternative, natural approaches really do work. That’s why I am making available this free book Cancer Survivors’ Stories (Book 8 in the newly updated (and very much enlarged) version of Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide) which tells the stories of more than two dozen people who have followed non-conventional approaches and recovered from cancer as a result. Get the free download from

I want you to read this book so that when cancer comes knocking (maybe not on your door but on that of someone close to you) you will have some idea that there are options beyond what the doctors and the media are telling you about.

This book could save your life

Or extend your life. It could even help you avoid altogether the cancer that is looming.

Please send this free book now to all your friends and relatives – to everyone you know

These stories demonstrate unequivocally that natural approaches to cancer treatment are rational, effective and pain-free. They are also supported by a great deal of science so don’t think this is just airy-fairy nonsense.  Since the media and doctors are hostile to these approaches, the only way to get the message out is by spreading the word as widely as possible. That’s why I want you to send it to everyone you know.

But why should you follow a natural route to recovery?

Because – for the vast majority of cancers – conventional medicine does not have the answers. Oncologist Siddhartha Mukherjee (author of bestseller, The Emperor of All Maladies, and a conventional doctor to the core) admits not only that a cancer cure is not imminent; it is not even on the horizon. And yet we have many cures at hand – cures that are ignored by the doctors because they don’t involve drugs.  Can we call them cures? What else can we call them when people are doing them and getting well again as a result? Beata Bishop has lived for 30 years since being told she had terminal melanoma.

There are no ‘wrong’ ways to cure cancer. Anything that works is good.

Why should you care?

Because, if you are in your 50s your likelihood of getting cancer yourself is over 50% – and if you are in your twenties your lifetime probability will be closer to 70-80% (cancer incidence is rising at about 1% a year). The better you are prepared for this eventuality the less likely it is that you will suffer pain and life changing damage. Please believe me, for your own sake – for the sake of your friends, your family, your parents. I have been there and I know.

I want as many people as possible to know the truth

I am asking you to read this book and to send it to everyone you know.  Someone somewhere will benefit enormously from this simple act.

You might even save someone’s life.

My best wishes to you

Jonathan Chamberlain

Author of Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide

Note: The Cancer Survivor’s Bible (2012) is now available – see

“This book gives hope. …I wish I had read this book before I was diagnosed. My doctors and the cancer charities didn’t tell me any of this.”

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The New Cancer Complete Recovery Guide Series

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on November 29, 2011

My new edition coming out mid December 2011

The Cancer Complete Recovery Guide Series

The Cancer Complete Recovery Guide Series—in eight volumes—is the updated and expanded version of the book Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide (2008 edition). Based on 18 years of research, which I did in order to discover for myself what I would do if—as my wife did—I ever got cancer. I am sharing this information with you because it could help you live much, much longer and save you a great deal of pain. It is the single most comprehensive discussion of all your cancer recovery options in print anywhere in the world.

Book 1: Cancer? What Now?

Make sure the first steps of your cancer journey are heading in the right direction

This book gives you all the basic cancer facts you need and outlines the four sensible strategies for dealing with cancer—and the arguments supporting them. Everybody approaches cancer differently. In this book I help you focus on the strategy most appropriate to you—and then I give suggestions for resources so that you can continue your journey.

Book 2: Cancer: Diagnosis and Conventional Treatments

The Pros and Cons of Cancer Tests, Surgery, Radiation and Chemotherapy

What are the benefits and drawbacks of conventional diagnostic tests and treatments? This book provides a detailed look at what is available and what the benefits and drawbacks are. Included also are various non-conventional testing options and suggestions as to how you can protect yourself if you wish to proceed with conventional treatment.

Book 3: Cancer: Research and Politics

This book helps you understand the wider context of cancer—why cancer research has not come up with a cure and most likely never will; why the medical profession is unable to recognise the value of herbs and supplements—if a herb or supplement can cure cancer you will never hear about it from the medical profession; and why we should all be worried by the erosion of our health freedoms. You will also learn about the scientists who have bucked the system, and what has happened to them.

Book 4: Cancer: Detox and Diet

Whatever else you decide to do for your cancer you would be wise to undergo a radical change in diet. This book looks at the arguments and options in the area of detoxification and diet. You will also find here a lengthy list of individual foods and their benefits.

Book 5: Cancer: Herbs, Botanicals and Biological Therapies

Many herbs can help in the fight against cancer. Here we look at all the major herbal options. Herbs have many advantages over drugs—but there are also potential dangers. This book explores this world and explains all the issues and options involved. This book also covers homeopathy and other biological therapies.

Book 6: Cancer: Vitamins and Other Supplements

Everyone knows that vitamin C is good for you—but what kind of vitamin C? In what quantities? And what about the other vitamins? The minerals? The other chemicals—both natural and man-made? You will find everything you need to know here.

Book 7: Cancer: Energy, Mind and Emotions

This book covers a wide range of ideas from electrical and magnetic devices, sunlight, energy healing, prayer, exercise and the extraordinary interplay of our physical and emotional lives.

Book 8: Cancer: Survivors’ Stories: They did it. You can too!

The proof is in the pudding. These stories tell how 25 people have reacted to a diagnosis and how they became once again cancer-free. These stories are proof that cancer can be cured with the help of diet, herbs, supplements and many other strategies. Here you will learn what people have done to get well again. There is hope.

You can download a free pdf version of Book 8 at


Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide

Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide is an inspirational guide [and is] a must for anyone who fears the dreadful diagnosis.’—The Midwest Book Review

‘This book gives hope…. It explains clearly the arguments for and against a multitude of treatments…. I wish I’d read this book before I was diagnosed. My doctor and the cancer charities didn’t tell me any of this.’—D Bushell

‘A very well written book, beautifully organised and easy to read and understand.’—June Black, cancer survivor.

‘This book tells me everything I want to know. Why didn’t my doctor tell me this?’—Rev Bill Newbern

‘I want to say how inspirational your book and all its suggestions have been. It has enabled me to keep positive for my sister over the past terrible months.’—Emma Greener

‘I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. You gave us hope when all we could see was despair and you gave us a path when we thought all was lost.’—Colleen Crim

‘Being someone diagnosed as a terminal cancer patient, I have scoured the ‘net and read many books. This is the best. And it gives hope too …. Get this book; read it; be inspired by it.’—Ian Clements, cancer survivor

Now also out in one volume as The Cancer Survivor’s Bible

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Ian Clements’ anti-cancer protocol

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on April 21, 2011

If you are looking for cancer information then you’ve come to the right place. There’s a lot here and in my two cancer books – see for details.

Dr Ian Clements’ Anti-Cancer CAM Regime

Ian Clements is not a medical doctor – he’s an engineer. He approaches problems in a pracgmatic but highly analytic way. This is how he approached his own diagnosis of terminal bladder cancer. He was told he had only weeks or months to live – and at one time he was admitted to a hospice with no expectation of emerging. Today, three a a half years later, he is still battling. Here is the protocol he has developed for himself. I have posted elsewhere lengthy docuuments on his own research into radical cystectomy for bladder cancer and his protocol for supporting yourself through chemotherapy

CANCER? – The Quick Start Back

DON’T PANIC! – Well, try to calm down.

You will not die overnight – cancer is not the same as a bullet or car accident. It will have been developing for months, if not years. Most people die from the side-effects of cancer, rather than the cancer directly. So you can usually take a couple of weeks to learn more before you decide anything.

The three standard orthodox treatments are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. All are strong assaults on the body. So it is best to prepare your body for this if you do decide to have any of these treatments.

Meanwhile, there are several proven things you can to improve your length of survival and help your body cope with any treatment:


  • Cut out sweet things[i], reduce carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta, bread, cakes) which get quickly converted to blood sugar, and alcohol
  • Go for salads, with organic produce if possible, and fresh fruit.
  • Cut out red and processed meat – sausages, bacon, steak, pork. Go for fish, white meat (chicken, turkey).
  • Drink green and/or white tea in preference to coffee or black tea (tho’ the latter is OK, just not as good as green or white).


  • Aim to do as much as you can, getting more vigorous with time. If you are not used to doing any, then build up to half-an-hour’s walk a day. Then get faster and longer as you get more able to. Aim to get an hour a day. Other forms help too: swimming, weights, jogging, etc.



  • A comprehensive multi-vitamin and mineral pill/pills[iii]
  • Vitamin C[iv]– 3gm
  • Vitamin D3[v] – 10,000IU
  • Omega 3 oil[vi] – 5 gm


CANCER? – The Quick Start Back. 1

Nutrition. 1

Exercise. 1

Supplements. 1

General Cancer Theory. 6

Things to do right away. 7

Nutrition. 7

Exercise. 7

Supplements. 7

My Various CAM Treatments. 8

Lifestyle. 8

Exercise. 8

Nutrition. 8

Weight 9

Supplements. 9

Other Treatments I use. 11

Hyperthermia. 11

Enhanced oxygen. 11

Low-Dose Naltrexone – LDN.. 12

PsychoNeuroImmunology- PNI. 13

Chemotherapy Help. 13

My Daily regime. 13

Diet/nutrition: 14

Oxygenation/Exercise: 15

Being considered. 15

Feedback. 15

Alternatives I’ve Tried and Abandoned. 16

Fiery chillies, garlic and butter. 16

Alkalizing. 17

Veganism.. 17

Juicing. 17

Budwig Diet 17

Conclusions. 18

Acknowledgements. 18

Bibliography. 19


You are probably reading this either because you have been diagnosed as having cancer, or that of a loved one who has. Please don’t panic. Cancer will not cause you or your loved one to die within days – so you have time to look at various alternative treatments:

  • the orthodox ones of surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation;
  • and what are known as Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), and to enhance survival independently of whatever you and your doctors decide is best.
  • There is a lot of information and advice available on the Internet on both orthodox treatments and CAM – sure, not all of it is good, but some is. This document will help guide you through all that.

Having been diagnosed with terminal bladder cancer in October 2007 at aged 71, and only been given a few weeks to live – (by 4 orthodox experts – the urological surgeon and three oncologists), my own experience and now extensive reading and discussions with other survivors has made me at least as expert as the medicos in many ways (but not all) in the following 3+ years (as of writing). This book is a collation of my wisdom on cancer and how to mitigate it. Given the present state of ignorance about the origination and causal chain development of cancer, no-one can be certain of how each proven anti-cancer treatment actually works – only that the evidence is that certain things actually do bring about cancer and other things cause an improvement in some or all patients. I believe that my now lengthy survival against the original prognosis is due to one or more of the various treatments I have undertaken. I offer this to others that it may help them. I am not a medical doctor; I am a retired research scientist, able to understand research reports and summarise them coherently, concisely and clearly.

Unlike some people offering anti-cancer advice or ‘cures’, I do not claim that either what I have done or my protocol will definitely increase survival time (or cure cancer – not even the orthodox medicos do that). What I am offering is evidence-based anti-cancer advice, quoting this evidence so that you can check it for yourself, that is known to generally enhance survival times for cancer patients.

Alas, there are some who proffer easy cures or help. These, I believe, are generally sincere. But (a) their own experience may have had nothing to do with their supposed treatment; (b) even if it was, it may be something that just works for them (however, if may work for you too). There are also a lot of well-documented cases of spontaneous remission – the cancers just went away, for no known reason; and so for people to whom this happened, this may lead them to think they did something to cause this.

I am not opposed to orthodox treatments – chemotherapy probably saved my life – but I do think that patients need to be well informed about them before deciding on doing one. There will always be time to do this; don’t let the doctors rush you into any particular treatment (I alas did). This will enable them to choose whichever is best for them – or non at all. From what I now know, the surgery I had to remove my tumour was unnecessary (it re-grew in 3 months; it was the chemotherapy that then drove my cancer into remission) and this surgery spread cancer cells throughout my body, reducing my survival chances significantly. I now realise what should have been obvious: the specialists are naturally committed to their speciality, often to that alone (their colleagues in ‘rival’ specialisms will often disagree with their rivals). This is not to doubt their sincerity, just their blinkered approach – which can equally be true of CAM specialists. I also now know that my continuing my complementary ‘treatments’ (supplements, exercise, nutrition) enabled the chemotherapy to work much better and reduced the severity of the side-effects.

CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) is, as the name says, composed of two parts – that which helps orthodox medicine, and so is complementary to it; and that which is Alternative to standard treatment and so sometimes is opposed to it. Both are unfairly stigmatised by the orthodox medical community, who, to their shame, are usually ignorant of it. Some doctors will readily admit this, especially given that their training omits it – and refer patients to those who are expert in these areas. Others will denounce anything that they don’t themselves know, trusting that those experts who taught them, and their reading within their narrow speciality since, know all that there is to know of their area.

All of this is regrettable, because much of CAM conforms to that highest of medical standards – evidence-based, often the gold-standard of double-blind, placebo alternative research. Much of orthodox medicine is inheritance-based – passed on from predecessors without any evidence-based research behind it at all (it is claimed that 75% of patient advice and medicine is not evidence-based) this is no better than the anecdotal evidence that such practitioners denounce when used by CAM advocates. Perhaps worse, much of medical research is actually wrong[vii] (as is most expert advice[viii]). Fortunately, nowadays patients have access to a great deal of medical expertise via the Internet, including consultations with far-away orthodox specialists if they want.

One enormous advantage that much of CAM has over mainstream orthodox treatment is that much of the Alternative side is usually side-effect free and virtually of the Complementary is, unlike virtually all of traditional medicine. This is especially true of cancer treatment: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation – all of which carry mortality risk and damage to healthy cells. But let me be clear: some Alternative treatments are invasive and need careful consideration before being undertaken – they can have serious and deleterious side-effects – such as intravenous vitamin C, and enemas. So far, none of what I have done falls in to that category.

There is much that CAM offers that supports orthodox treatment in becoming more efficacious and lowering the inevitable nasty side-effects, so it is surprising that the GPs and specialists are both ignorant of this enhancer of their treatments and preventing such treatments being more successful.

This resumé of this expertise, with references (tho’ all can easily be research and updated by Googling everything mentioned), may help others to improve their chances with both their cancer and their orthodox treatment (for instance, responses to chemo, radiation and surgery are enhanced as well as the side-effects reduced).

Complementary and Alternative Medicine covers many different treatments for the same spectrum of illnesses as that of the orthodox NHS. However, this does not mean there is not a respectable body of scientific evidence to support CAM – on the contrary, most such interventions do indeed have this. Whilst many NHS practitioners may be unfamiliar with some CAM, there are books by orthodox MDs which do report such evidence[ix].

My choosing which CAM to use is based on two principles: weight of evidence (even if anecdotal), and indications that there are no serious downsides. Note that ‘evidence’ here is exactly that – where the usage gives improvement, even if the intervening causal chain is unknown.

Within CAM there is a diverse field, only part of this relates to cancer. Within CAM cancer information, there is that which relates to prevention; other to enhancing survival (a better phrase than ‘cure’; tho’ ‘cures’ are claimed and so could be dismissed for that reason, this doesn’t mean any such CAM may not be useful); and that to supporting orthodox treatments (enhancing their efficacy or reducing the side-effects). Naturally, there is much overlap between these aspects.

To fully investigate and research both orthodox and CAM, I have of necessity spent much time and money on literature – books, membership to health newsletters, and forums. It is from all this, plus my own continuing research on the Internet, that I have evolved – and still evolve – my anti-cancer actions.  I have read much of both the orthodox approach and the many alternative cancer treatments – which I readily admit are often way to optimistic and misleading; but which, to my mind, are usually genuine (the same being applicable to orthodox medicine).

I offer this distillation of knowledge and advice. But, as always, the decision rests with you, the patient, as to what you do to optimise your own survival.

For those who wish to explore some of the Alternative medicine ideas in more depth, I recommend two books and their associated websites: “Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide” by Jonathan Chamberlain ( and “Conventional Cancer Cures: What’s the Alternative” by Chris Woollams (

You now have to hand the most empowering tool ever available for advice on any illness: the Internet. To get up-to-date information on any proposed treatment, food, or supplement, just enter the “illness and item” into a search engine such as Google. Examples: Bladder cancer and vitamin C; Kidney disease and eggs; etc. From this you will quickly know what may help or harm your illness and treatment.

General Cancer Theory

The complete aetiology (step-by-step chain of cause and effect) of cancer is not, at present, known. This is a summary of the present state of knowledge. Robert Weinberg[x] distilled six characteristics which all cancers are found to have (and are now accepted by the cancer specialists) plus two more that are usually present:

  1. Self-sufficiency in growth signals (rather than from other body signals)
  2. Insensitivity to anti-growth signals (the body usually can signal cells to stop growing)
  3. Tissue invasion and metastasis (cells and organs remain where they are normally)
  4. Limitless replicative potential (can and do keep growing continuously)
  5. Sustained angiogenesis (keep making blood vessels to feed the tumours)
  6. Evasion of apoptosis (avoid normal cell death – all other cells, apart from nerves, die after a time)
  7. Tumour promoting inflammation (turns on the body’s inflammation all the time, instead of just when it is injured)
  8. Gene instability and mutation (all other cells replicate clones; and, when they don’t, the body recognises this and makes them die)

We attempt to control cancer by interfering with each of these factors.

For cancer to develop into a life-threatening stage, it goes through three phases: initiation, promotion, and progression. The initiation can be due to a virus, parasite, emotional shock (such as a relative suddenly dying), poor nutrition, or poor environment (such as radiation, smoking, asbestos).  For a cancer to develop, a cell has to go ‘rogue’ – its DNA has to be damaged in such a way that it proliferates outside the control of the body’s normal regulatory mechanisms. So there are three aspects to this[xi]:

  • What makes the DNA corrupt?
  • Why don’t the body’s normal immune processes recognise this and destroy it (they normally do)?
  • And how does the rogue cancer cell then grow?

The changed cell then propagates daughter cells – the tumour is promoted. If the immune system is poor, due maybe to poor nutrition and lack of exercise – then progression is likely, generally via angiogenesis (growing a blood supply for the tumour). For example, bladder cancer (mine) risk factors include smoking, obesity, working with chemicals (painters and carpenters), arsenic in the tap water, eating processed or overdone meat, and being a USA Vietnam veteran. Medical and CAM treatments along with lifestyle changes attempt to address each of these three stages: cancer cell initiation, cancer cell death, cancer cell growth.

The embryonic cancer cells generally need a blood supply (angiogenesis) for tumours to grow to life-threatening size, and this process is susceptible to nutrition, supplements and drugs (Dr William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? [xii] and David Agus: A new strategy in the war on cancer[xiii]).Genes only predispose, and are not causative.[xiv]

Cancers need much greater than normal amounts of energy to grow, and cause inflammation to hide from the body’s immune system – so much so, it is probable that inflammation and cancer generally go hand-in-hand[xv]. Restricting the glucose that cancer cells need (all sugars, including alcohol) is therefore a good thing. This includes what may be called fast carbs – easily digested carbohydrates like white bread, potatoes, etc[xvi]. Anti-inflammation (by such supplements as curcumin and omega3 oils) will damp it down.

Orthodox medicine has three main alternatives: radiation, surgery, chemotherapy. There is a little immunotherapy (BCG[xvii]for bladder cancer is probably the only established one; there is a lot of experimental vaccines; and a new prostate cancer one, Provenge). Or (if it is thought that the cancer is too far gone or not life threatening) just let it go on until death (which may be from other causes).

Points to bear in mind:

Since about 1940 there has been a significant increasing of cancer rates in Western countries – and this is not mainly due to better screening or diagnosis (which do have an effect on the figures, but only about 30%), as this has occurred in non-screened-for cancers and in children. Even breast cancer rates, which were falling, are no longer doing so[xviii].

It is thought that this increase of cancer in general is  must mostly be due to Western lifestyles (The National Cancer Institute estimates that roughly one-third of all cancer deaths may be diet related; WHO think 70% related to lifestyle); embracing less Western ones will likely lead to fewer succumbing to cancer.[xix] Whilst there has been a reduction in cancer death rates in the last 20 years, this is probably mostly (if not entirely) due to reduced smoking, rather than improved treatments.[xx] All this evidence leads to the inevitable conclusion that cancer is a disease of modern Western civilisation and is not ‘natural’; so we must look to our lifestyle and modern environment for causation and, by extension, to reducing the enhancement of cancer once we have it. Insulin appears to be a major factor, enhanced by fast carbs[xxi].

There are some strong criticism of orthodox treatment by some members of the medical profession themselves. I think these are too strong, but it would be unfair not to air them:

  • Surgery: Prof. of Medical Physics calculated that on balance, cancer patients are likely to live four times longer if they do nothing for their cancer rather than do something.
  • Surgery enhances the chances of metastasis (spreading the cancerous cells; see Surgery Could Accelerate Tumor Growth?[xxii] “Surgery Triggers Outgrowth of Latent Distant Disease in Breast Cancer: An Inconvenient Truth?”[xxiii], & “Proof That Cancer Surgery Increases Mortality”[xxiv].)
  • Radiation: Many experts consider it useless. Radiation itself can cause cancer (tho’ there’s some evidence that light radiation is actually good[xxv]. It also adversely affects the immune system.
  • Chemotherapy: Of the 75% receiving chemo, less than 15% are ‘cured’. Only 5% of cancers treated with chemo succeed. 58 of 79 (73%) of doctors referring patients for chemo said that they themselves would not have any chemo. “The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant (helping) cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.”[xxvi]Chemo seriously harms one’s immune system.
  • Some Cancers May Just Go Away[xxvii]

Note that the worst that can be said about CAM is that it may prevent/delay orthodox treatment – CAM itself has remarkably few other downsides.

Things to do right away

Whatever you decide to do, some things will help in various ways without interfering with whatever treatment you then undertake – in essence, optimal health things. These will fortify you for what lies ahead. For what may help with the specific treatment of chemotherapy, see here.


  • Cut out sweet things[xxviii], reduce carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta, bread, cakes) which get quickly converted to blood sugar, and alcohol
  • Go for salads, with organic produce if possible, and fresh fruit.
  • Cut out red and processed meat – sausages, bacon, steak, pork. Go for fish, white meat (chicken).
  • Drink green and/or white tea in preference to coffee or black tea (tho’ the latter is OK, just not as good as green or white).


  • Aim to do as much as you can. If you are not used to doing any, then build up to half-an-hours walk a day. Then get faster and longer as you get more able to. Aim to get an hour a day. Other forms help to: swimming, weights, jogging, etc.



  • A comprehensive multi-vitamin and mineral pill/pills[xxx]
  • Vitamin C[xxxi]– 1gm
  • Vitamin D3[xxxii] – 5,000IU
  • Omega 3 oil[xxxiii] – 1 – 5 gm

My Various CAM Treatments

This falls into three parts: lifestyle, supplements, and other treatments.


Cancer was virtually unknown in ancient times (‘Data from across the millennia has given modern society a clear message: cancer is man-made and something that we can and should address’).[xxxiv],[xxxv] Cancer rates in non-advanced societies are virtually unknown.[xxxvi] Cancer incidences in 1870’s were less than 2%; now more than 33% (p.4) and rising. Death rates are 25%, and rising.

Apart from a couple of cancers (lung, and prostate (men)/breast (women – probably due to the decline of smoking)[xxxvii], cancer incidences (diagnosis) have either not markedly declined or have increased since the 1930’s; in the EU, cases have increased 20% in the six years to 2008 (colon having increased since 1975)[xxxviii]; studies reveal substantial increases in non-melanoma skin cancers[xxxix]. Cancer death rates have slowly increased for all others. “…survival rates haven’t improved for most cancers”[xl].

This increase is not mainly due to better screening or diagnosis (which do have an effect on the figures, but only about 30%), as this has occurred in non-screened-for cancers and in children. It is thought that this increase must mostly be due to Western lifestyles (The National Cancer Institute estimates that roughly one-third of all cancer deaths may be diet related; WHO think 70% related to lifestyle); embracing less Western ones will likely lead to fewer succumbing to cancer.[xli] All this evidence leads to the inevitable conclusion that cancer is a disease of modern Western civilisation and is not ‘natural’; so we must look to our lifestyle and modern environment for causation and, by extension, to reducing the enhancement of cancer once we have it. Insulin appears to be a major factor, enhanced by fast carbs[xlii].

Most cancer patients will survive for years, but have a higher chance of dieing of something else than normal. “current recommendations for cancer survivors, which emphasize achieving and maintaining a healthy weight; encouraging regular physical activity (for adults at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day); eating a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains; and limiting red and processed meats and alcohol consumption. Further, the current recommendations are that cancer survivors try and obtain their nutrients from foods, rather than supplements since there have been several studies that have linked supplement intake with higher cancer-specific and all-cause mortality among cancer survivors.”[xliii]

Note: nearly all cancer research money is spent on trying to find cures; very little is spent of prevention (1%?).


There is now a mass of evidence that exercise of various sorts, indeed of any sort, increases survival. I thus try various sorts – walking, jogging, and weights.[xliv] It is possible that exercise works by causing an increase in internal heat and thus is anti-cancer by the same way that hyperthermia is – cancer cells are more sensitive to heat and become apoptotic – die. My target is about one hour a day vigorous walking (defined as such that one’s heart rate exceeds 50% of one’s maximum). I check this using a wrist watch heart-rate monitor.


Whilst there is as yet no certainty about the best nutrition overall, some have been proven and others are considered prudent:

Avoiding sugar[xlv], fast carbs (maybe carbohydrates altogether – see Gary Taubes “Good Calories, Bad Calories”)

Lower/zero alcohol[xlvi]

Eat lots of cruciferous vegetables[xlvii], berries, fresh organic fruit and veggies in general[xlviii]

Avoid red meat[xlix], processed meats

Avoid pollutants – smoking, aerosols, and poor water[l] (that is, use a water filter)

Particular foods are known to retard certain cancers[li],[lii], whilst others are good against most, such as green tea, and brassicas (Brussels’ sprouts, broccoli) [liii].


Overweight/obesity is known to enhance cancer[liv], altho’ there is some counter-evidence for breast cancer[lv].  Whilst overall weight reduction is probably good (as recognised by the BMI measure), it seems that it is mainly the fat around the waist that causes the most reduction in general survival[lvi]. For this, the best measure is the ratio of the waist to maximum outer-thighs; it is good to aim for a ratio of waist to thighs of less than 0.95.

Changes in weight are predominately brought about by nutrition, not exercise (as good as this may be for other reasons – see above; my personal data over 30 years is that there is no relationship between how much I exercised and my weight, fat or muscle mass). My experience is that weight and fatness loss is brought about by one of two ways:

  • alternate day ‘fasting’ (on ‘fasting days, just eating fruit – grapefruit for breakfast, big orange for lunch, big apple for dinner)
  • cutting out all obvious carbs: no potatoes, no bread, no pasta, no cakes, no crisps, etc.


These do any of four things:

  • they drive cancer cells into apoptosis,
  • boost the immune system so that it recognises the cancer cells as in need of removal,
  • reduce inflammation (a known cancer stimulant[lvii]) and
  • they effect the tumour’s angiogenesis (grow feeding blood vessels) adversely.

There are many supplements for which there are claims that they help with cancer. I have checked a lot of them, and those that have credible evidence (often provided by orthodox medical scientists) I have tried. Here I give selected references to each supplement (sometimes the opposing views too) to give the reader some confidence in my use of these. Note too that I do not use all of these all the time. These references are generally the result of my collecting information since my diagnosis; but often also by the simple procedure of putting “X and Cancer” into Google – which I recommend doing for all of these if anyone wishes to use them, as new research appears all the time, some showing what was once thought good is now bad. Caution is the watchword; check for downsides and conflicts with any other treatment you may be having.

It is noteworthy that supplements are incredibly safe, unlike prescription drugs. For example, there was not one single death recorded in the USA in 2009 from supplements amongst the 2.5 million cases reported to the USA’s Poison Control Centres (there were 500 deaths from other causes).[lviii] There are horrendous figures for deaths due to orthodox medicine’s involvement – drug side-effects, often for drugs that are ineffective anyway; hospital-induced illnesses; medical accidents; etc. This is not to decry orthodox medicine’s undoubted successes, but just to highlight that caution is needed. However, all supplements have side-effects, albeit generally mild ones. It is prudent to check whether any you propose to take may make an existing illness (other than the cancer) worse; for example, if you have kidney problems, search for, say, “Astralagus and Kidney Disease” (in fact, Astralagus is actually good for kidneys).

I also give the daily quantities that I take.

This list is not exhaustive. Tho’ I believe all of these apply to most cancers, it is as well to check whether your particular cancer is known to be helped by those supplements you choose.

Aloe Vera[lix] – 6gm

Alpha Lipoic Acid[lx] – 300mg

Arginine[lxi] – 1gm

Astralagus[lxii] – 2 x 250mg

AveULTRA[lxiii] – 1 pack

Barley Grass[lxiv] – 1gm

Bee Propopolis[lxv] – 2 x 1gm

Beta Glucan[lxvi] – 500mg

Boswelia[lxvii] – 307mg (avoid for kidney problems)

Carnitine (as Acetyl L-Carnitine)[lxviii] – 500mg

Carnosine (as L-Carnosine)[lxix] – 2 x 250mg

Cat’s Claw 30mL[lxx] – 5 drops

Cherry Fruit Extract[lxxi] – 500mg

Chlorella[lxxii] – 1gm

Conjugated Linoleic Acid[lxxiii] – 500mg

Curcumin-0.9g + Piperene[lxxiv] – 6 x 900mg

Cysteine (as N-Acytel Cysteine)[lxxv] – 600mg

DHEA[lxxvi] – 25mg

DIM[lxxvii] – 2 x 100mg

DMAE[lxxviii] – 350mg

DMG[lxxix] – 100mg

EDTA[lxxx] – 400mg

Flora Flor Essence[lxxxi] (avoid for kidney problems)

Fucoidan[lxxxii] 2 x 300mg

Glutathione[lxxxiii] – 500mg

Graviola[lxxxiv] – 2 x 650mg

Green tea extract[lxxxv] – various, including green tea leaves

Indole-3-Carbinal[lxxxvi] – 2 x 200mg

Inositol[lxxxvii] – not taken separately (it is in some of the other supplements)

Lactoferrin + Colostrum[lxxxviii] – 960mg

Lycopene[lxxxix] – 15mg

Melatonin[xc] – 3mg

Melon – Bitter Melon Fruit[xci] – 450mg

Multi vitamin and mineral set[xcii]

Mushroom Extracts (Agaricus Blazei, Maitake, Mesima, Reishi, Shiitake)[xciii] various

Nattokinase[xciv] – 2 x 2,000FUs

Niacin[xcv] – 500mg (avoid for kidney problems)

Omega-3 DHA & EPA in various forms[xcvi] – 6mg[xcvii]

Papaya[xcviii] – 50mg

Pau d’Arco tea – 1 – 3 tea bags

PeakImmune4[xcix] – 8 x 250mg

Probiotics[c] – 2 x 16 billion various

Sterols – Phystosterol[ci] – 937mg

Proline + Lysine[cii] – 2 x 275mg each

Proteolytic Enzymes[ciii] – 3 different brands, so 3 x 500mg

Quercetin[civ] + Bromilain[cv] – 250mg + 375mg

Resveratrol[cvi] – 16mg

Rosehip[cvii] – 800mg

Saw Palmetto + Nettle[cviii] – 280mg

Seanol[cix] – 400mg

Selenium[cx] – 200mcg

Serrapeptase[cxi] – 2 x 80,000

SOD – GliSODin[cxii] – 250mg

Spirulina powder[cxiii] – 1gm

Teas – 5 – 7 teabags, of Pau d’Arco[cxiv], Tulsi[cxv], White Tea, or Green Tea (occasionally black)

Ubiquinol- Co-Enzyme Q10[cxvi] – 100mg

Vit C[cxvii] as Magnesium Ascorbate – 2gm

Vit D3[cxviii] – 5,000IU

Vit K[cxix] – 100mcg

Vit K2[cxx] – 450mcg

Wheatgrass[cxxi] – 1gm

Zinc (Gluconate)[cxxii]  – 4 x 25mg

Other Treatments I use


It is known that cancer cells are more adversely sensitive to heat than normal cells, and thus more liable to die. So raised temperature enhances the immune system to deal with the cancer, and makes any chemotherapy or ingested supplements more efficacious. There are many examples of spontaneous remission following fever, thought to be the result of the high body temperature this caused – this is the basis too of BCG for bladder cancer, and Coley’s Vaccine for cancer generally.

Therapy that raises the body’s temperature is called hyperthermia, in which a device applies heat to the patient. The hyperthermia can be administered either locally or over the whole body.

In local hyperthermia, a device is placed over the specific area of the body to be heated. For example, the doctor applies the hyperthermia device to the breast of a breast cancer patient to heat up the area. This kind of hyperthermia can take place every other day.

Whole-body hyperthermia is altogether different. The patient, wrapped in towels, lies naked on a hyperthermia bed. The patient’s body temperature is gradually raised to about 105 degrees Fahrenheit and kept at that temperature for about two hours. It’s possible to go a little higher — up to 107 degrees, which is called “extreme hyperthermia.” Unlike local hyperthermia, whole-body hyperthermia can’t be done more than once a week. (German Cancer Breakthrough, p.13)

There are three kinds of whole-body hyperthermia:

Moderate hyperthermia, in which the patient’s core temperature is raised to 101-103 degrees Fahrenheit [=38-40C] for two hours, which simulates a natural fever.

Systemic hyperthermia, which raises the core temperature to 105 degrees F. = 40.5C

Extreme hyperthermia, which goes up to 107 degrees F. = 41.5C

I use a cocoon blanket-type hyperthermia kit, priced variably from about $250 to $600. This allows a three-zone temperature infra-red setting (top, middle and bottom). I use 50C/55C/50C and lie in it for 50 minutes (on alternate days) – my arm-pit temperature rises about 3C by the end, so presumably inner core from 36.8 to 39.8C – then shower off.

Enhanced oxygen[cxxiv]

An air ionizer (or negative ion generator) is a device that uses high voltage to ionize (electrically charge) air molecules. Negative ions, or anions, are particles with one or more extra electrons, conferring a net negative charge to the particle. Cations are positive ions missing one or more electrons, resulting in a net positive charge. Most commercial air purifiers are designed to generate negative ions. Another type of air ionizer is the ESD ionizer (balanced ion generator) used to neutralize static charge.[cxxv]

Low-Dose Naltrexone – LDN[cxxvi]

LDN is a safe and inexpensive prescription drug which can be used as immunotherapy for most types of cancer and may also have direct anti-tumour activity.

Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist. It blocks the receptors that bind heroin, morphine, other narcotic drugs and the body’s own endogenous opioids like beta endorphin. In doses of 50 mg a day or more, it is used in narcotic and alcohol withdrawal.

When used in low doses (usually 4.5 mg), however, naltrexone increases the secretion of these endogenous opioids, which not only relieve pain, but also regulate the immune system. This has led to its use as a treatment for HIV/AIDS, autoimmune diseases and fibromyalgia. It is especially popular as a treatment for multiple sclerosis.

LDN’s Mode of Action in Cancer

In the 1980s, researchers like Ian S. Zagon noticed that when used in large doses, naltrexone stimulated the growth of cancer, but low doses had the opposite effect. Low dose naltrexone increases the secretion of several opioid peptides, such as beta endorphin and methionine enkephalin (also known as met enkephalin and opioid growth factor or OGF).

Beta endorphin acts as a non-specific cancer immunotherapy by boosting the action of natural killer cells (NK cells). Met enkephalin/OGF has direct anti-tumour action through opioid receptors that have been detected in many types of malignant tumours. It inhibits angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels), without which cancer cannot grow.

LDN is not a “cure for cancer.” It does not help everyone, but in many cases it can stop the growth of tumours or even shrink them, but still the patient has to continue taking it until the rest of his life or until a more effective treatment is found.

Clinical Trials, Studies and Publications

There are dozens of lab studies which show that either OGF or low doses of naltrexone can inhibit cancer growth in the following types of cancer:

ovarian cancer

thyroid follicular cancer

head and neck cancer

pancreatic cancer

renal cell cancer (kidney cancer)


colon cancer


Additionally, receptors for OGF have been found in throat cancer, brain tumours, breast cancer, oesophageal cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, leukaemia and multiple myeloma. Beta-endorphin has been shown to suppress growth of prostate cancer.

Unfortunately, no proper clinical trials have been published on LDN. There are published case studies of impressive results with LDN in metastatic pancreatic cancer (which is one of the most notorious, if not the most notorious of all, cancers to treat) and B-cell lymphoma. In pancreatic cancer, it was combined with alpha lipoic acid, which suppresses cancer growth by inhibiting NF-kappa B.

Anecdotally, LDN has also been prescribed to help the following cancers:

bladder cancer

carcinoid tumor

uterine cancer

PsychoNeuroImmunology- PNI[cxxvii]

There is now much research proving the interrelationship between the mind and the body, including mental states affecting the outcomes of illnesses – of which the placebo effect is perhaps the most famous. This covers three main areas: hypnotherapy, cognitive behaviour therapy, and meditation. Each has been shown to have a positive outcome for cancer.

Chemotherapy Help[cxxviii]

Vit.D3  4,000IU-12,000IU daily – enhances efficacy of chemo

Magnesium 500mg daily – replaces severe depletion

Ubiquinol form of Co-enzyme Q10 – 200mg/day

glutamine powder 10 grams (3 scoops) 3 times a day to minimize the side effects of chemo including neuropathy

Vit.A – 3,000IU/850mcg

Vit.C –  5 gms/day

Curcumin + piperene – 8 – 10 gms/day – enhances chemo, especially cisplatin

Green or white tea[cxxix]

Astralagus – an immune booster[cxxx]; anti-cancer generally;

Aloe Vera – enhances chemo’s effects, enhances apoptosis, improves immune system

Milk thistle[cxxxi]

Bromelain – 500mg

Resveratrol 500mg – enhances chemo’s effect[cxxxii] – but may cause diarrhoea[cxxxiii]

Medicinal mushrooms – various

Exercise: as vigorous as possible – walking 30’ day, jogging if poss., and resistance training

Stay off sugar, sodium (salt) and fruit juices

My Daily regime

This is an example of how I implement my anti-cancer days

Each day this is made up of four components (which often overlap):

1.      General healthiness stuff:

  • Lots of fresh (raw) organic veggies and some low glycaemic fruits
  • Supplements such as vitamins & minerals, probiotics, proteolytic enzymes
  • Alkalising – lots of veggies
  • Minimise carbohydrates in general, but especially fast-carbs (sugar, bread, potatoes, pasta) & alcohol
  • Exercise – walk, about one hour daily
  • Avoid unhealthy stuff: smoking, pollutants (aerosols – air-fresheners, solvents, etc)

2.      Specific anti-cancer stuff

  • Supplements such as curcumin, Graviola, Astralagus, Bee Propolis, Vit.D3,         Co.Q10, Vit.C[cxxxiv]
  • Foods: pau d’arco & green/white tea (alternatively?), juicing & eating cruciferous veggies (such broccoli, beetroot), extra virgin olive oil[cxxxv]
  • Avoid sugar, red meat (and maybe dairy products[cxxxvi]), processed meats, fried foods – these foods promote cancer (especially sugar)
  • Oxygenate – ionisers, enhanced oxygen, vigorous exercise[cxxxvii]

3.      Specific immune boosting stuff

  • Supplements such as PeakImmune4, Beta-Glucan, AveULTRA
  • Foods such as wheat-grass & spirulina+chlorella
  • Ionised air & (enhanced air) oxygen

4.      Feedback – to let myself know how I’m going on

  • Daily: body composition: weight, muscle-mass, fat%, basal metabolic rat; urine pH.
  • Bi-monthly/quarterly cancer marker tests (NMP22, CEA, etc),
  • Less frequent inflammation checks, mineral & vitamin blood levels.


On getting up: Nattokinase, Acetyl L-Carnitine


Egg, veggie sausage, mushrooms and tomatoes;

Supplements: NutriShield[cxxxviii] package of vitamins, 2 x PeakImmune4, L-arginine 1gm, Vit.D3 2,400IU, Quercetin 800mg, L-Carnosine 250mg, fish-oil 1gm, folic acid 400mcg, flaxseed oil 1gm, CLA 500mg, Nattokinase, Vit.K 100mcg, Vit.K2, 2 x curcumin+piperene 1000mg, niacin 100mg, manganese chloride 100mg, Graviola x 2, Blue-Green algae; Cup of pau d’arco tea

Mid-morning – cup of white tea

Organic green salad, mushroom, garnished olive oil & organic apple vinegar, cinnamon, chilli pepper, and Vit.D3 (& sometimes curcumin+biopiperene powder); pau d’arco tea


Cup of white tea, with an apple and nuts


greens (broccoli, sprouts, leaves),veggie protein, fish or white meat. Berries. White tea; L-Arganine 1gm, 1gm fish oil, Graviola 500mg x 2, Green sea algae, L-Carnitine, pau d’arco tea

Before bed

Low-Dose Naltrexone 4.5mg, Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, Melatonin

I also use coconut oil. I occasionally drink organic raw cocoa powder with xylitol & coconut milk.


About one hour’s fairly vigorous walk a day. Sometimes interval aerobic jogging for about30’.

50’ of enhanced ionised oxygen (30%) daily; an all night ioniser by my bed. Filtered water.

Hyperthermia alternate days: 50′ @ about 50C

Being considered

If I detect a resurgence of my cancer, I may do one or more of the following (some of which I’ve done earlier but discontinued on the assumption either that it had done its work or was ineffective):

Mid-afternoon mashed ½ avocado & 8oz carrot juice (I did this for about a month early on).

The “How to stop cancer” protocol.[cxxxix]


Revised Budwig[cxli]: 2 teaspoons of wild salmon oil & 2 tablespoons of un-denatured whey hand mixed together and spooned in, 2-10 times a day for three days; thence once a day thereafter. But there’s some debate about this revision. For original: and

EFT, Ukrain, Intravenous Vit.C

Del-Immune, Ultra H3 Plus, lactoferrin, PectaSol, Oncovite, Flor-Essence, Coley’s vaccine cancer treatment, & Essiac – see

Mix curcumin+piperene with coconut oil before taking it

Oxygen/ozone therapy


An essential part of my cancer management is knowing how I am doing – feedback. Perhaps it is because I am an Engineer that I am more sensitive than most to this very important aspect of achieving a desired goal – encapsulated in the phrase “knowledge of results improves performance”. To this end, I measure and record all that I can on a daily basis:

  • Medical data – biochemistry, cancer markers, scans, consultations – so that I can detect any changes in my cancerousness
  • Body composition – a well-known side-effect of cancer is a rapid change in body composition; particularly of muscle-mass – cachexia[cxlii] (not to be confused with sarcopenia, muscle-loss due to ageing), which is itself enhanced by pro-inflammatory immune cells (cytokines)[cxliii]. Carnosine and Ubiquinol (enhance Co-enzyme Q10) may counteract this, as may hydrazine sulphate[cxliv].
  • Nutrition – there is an ocean of anti-cancer dietary advice, much in conflict with one another. For what it is worth, after reading a lot of this, I have come to believe that the best nutrition is one with a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, preferably organic; as little carbs as possible (see Gary Taubes “Good Calories, Bad Calories”, and all the research that implicates blood sugar as a cancer feeder – carbs are the main source of sugar in the blood); filtered water (not osmotically derived); fish; avoid red and processed meat; little or no alcohol.
  • Medicines – I keep a note of all that I take, so that if something particularly badly effects me without any clear advantage, I can avoid it in future; and to see if, later, there’s any correlation with my other data.
  • Supplements – similar reason as for medicines
  • Exercise – to ensure I’m keeping on track to average the equivalent of one hour’s vigorous (heart-rate over 50% of max) walking a day. I have a watch heart-rate monitor that I wear most of the day. Such exercise may also counteract any tendency to cachexia.
  • Checking my urine pH – more acidic is probably not too good. As a side advantage, I collect my urine in a clear cup lately, and that has enabled me to see what I may have previously missed: blood specks/flakes/clots occasionally – to me, another ‘measure’ of my cancerousness. I also use biochemistry dipsticks, which often show out-of-normal readings. I hope to tie all these in to changes in my diet, supplements, and exercise – thus enabling me to take avoidance action. Different cancers would suggest different checks, such as the size of skin lesions and/or moles for skin cancers.

Alternatives I’ve Tried and Abandoned

Now bear with me. I’ve tried a lot of what may seem barmy treatments. Look, I have been desperate; and when the ‘experts’ (heh! why am I putting it in inverted commas? – they really are the acknowledged experts) told me I only had weeks to live, I was up for anything.

However, given the wide variance of human beings, what doesn’t work for one may work for another. For what it’s worth, I think most of those offering alternative ‘cures’ are genuine (in that they sincerely believe their treatment works) – and they may well have done so for themselves. But as there is a legion of examples of spontaneous remissions/cures, it could be that they had one of these and so were not cured by their suggested cure.

Fiery chillies, garlic and butter

Yes, I know this may sound barmy – but then so does injecting a strong poison into one’s veins and hoping it will kill all the cancer cells before it kills the rest of you (chemotherapy). There were, for me, three things that led me to try this:

  • The book “The Doctor Who Cures Cancer” by William Kelley Eidem, had impressive support – from Dr Barry Sears and Dr Atkins, both of whom I have respect for.
  • There didn’t seem to be any bad side-effects, apart from the intense ‘heat’ from the chilli and the possible adverse dietary factor of butter (which I’ve since learnt are wrongly made).
  • When I did try it, it cured one of the side-effects of my chemo: neuropathy of my inner-left thigh (deadness) – as long as I did it (or any other hot chilli intake).

So when the author, Mr Eidem, promoted a supposed cancer cure based on this book (tho’ I could never understand from my reading how he got to this cure), I tried it for a few months. Alas, during this time, my NMP-22 bladder cancer marker showed increased cancerousness. So I deemed this ‘cure’ as not one that works for me.


There is a lot of chatter on the ‘net that alkalizing one’s body, via a diet very high in vegetables and fruit plus alkaline water. Couple that with the plausible anti-cancer theory based on Nobel prize-winning Dr Warburg’s idea of increasing the body’s oxygen state, and this become a reasonable anti-cancer treatment.

I even bought an expensive water alkalizer, before I learnt that this aspect of the theory is bunk.[cxlv]

Again, I didn’t find my cancerousness fell whilst following this approach, so I did not continue. However, I feel that there’s something in it, and so still check my urine pH as a possible indicator of my general healthiness – the less acidic it is, the better I am. This is because some things in my diet that I know are bad  (alcohol, sugar, meat, etc) make my urine more acidic.


Throughout my adult life, I’ve been attracted to the supposed benefits of vegetarianism (no meat and, in the more extreme form, no fish) and veganism (no animal products whatsoever – no milk, cheese, eggs, yoghourt, etc as well as no meat or fish). So when I read “The China Study” by Dr Campbell & son with its convincing case for a vegan diet being both cancer-preventative and curative, I tried it for a couple of months. But again, my cancer marker signs increased rather than decreased, so I abandoned it.

I should add that there are good arguments against De Campbell’s views too – as there are to any anti-cancer theory. That’s why I need to weigh up as much as possible and decide for myself. A good medical doctor should support this approach; sadly, few do.


I initially juiced twice a day. This was made up of:

  • Handful/cupful of broccoli
  • Ditto of cauliflower
  • A carrot
  • Half a beetroot
  • A knob of ginger
  • Two Brussels’ sprouts
  • An apple
  • A ring of pineapple

I still think this is probably a healthy thing to do, but as my cancer regrew during the doing of this; and later my cancer marker increased (having gone down); I decided that it probably didn’t make enough difference to warrant the expense and trouble. So I stopped.

Budwig Diet

Difficult one this. I did the mix of cottage cheese and flax-seed oil for about 3 months, but my cancer tumour regrew. I tried it again later, but, as with juicing above, my cancer marker went up after having been low. Now I know that there’s more to the Budwig diet than just the cottage cheese & oil – fresh veggies and fruit, for instance; and no supplements (which I continued). So it may be that a more rigorous following of her diet may be more successful.


Cancer is NOT a trauma – you won’t die within hours/days of diagnosis. So take time to know the full range of alternatives, both orthodox and CAM, upsides and downsides. Orthodox and much CAM can generally be done in parallel, to your benefit – even tho’ the docs won’t know much, if anything, about CAM research. People generally die of the wasting away of muscles (cachexia) due to the cancer taking up most of the energy, rather than the cancer itself. So ensure you eat well and check your muscle mass.

It is probable that whatever your lifestyle was, this led to or helped the cancer (such as smoking, poor nutrition, inadequate exercise, being fat, poor water supply, working with solvents/paints, hair dyes/deodorants/aerosols/cosmetics). Therefore you need to look to changing your lifestyle (stop smoking, improve nutrition, enhance exercising, move away from pollution)[cxlvi]. Cancer is a warning sign to become more congruent within yourself and your environment.

Improving your general healthiness will probably help your body slow down the cancer

Enhancing your immune system will probably slow down the cancer’s growth and maybe even drive it into regression (make it smaller) or remission (non-detectable). Getting rid of excess body fat will help.[cxlvii]

Taking anti-cancer foods and/or supplements will possibly drive the cancer into remission, with a greater chance than any of the orthodox treatments.

Initially, it is probably best to avoid surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation whilst doing some CAM helps and seeing if this improves your healthiness.

If you do do any of the orthodox treatments, my protocol will probably both minimise the side-effects and enhance to effectiveness of the treatment. Note also that the opiates for pain relief may be cancer enhancers[cxlviii]

This is not an exhaustive exposition, for two reasons: I cannot recall all that I have done; and this is an ongoing project, changing oft times.

But this will give a fair representation of the expenditure and time I have to spend since being diagnosed with terminal bladder cancer on 15th October, 2007. I hope knowledge of my successful journey will help you.

I can be contacted at


First and foremost, my wife, children, and extended family – for their support, both emotionally and physically in looking after me.

Dr Bernardo Majalca, Preventive Medical Research, who gave me hope when the orthodox professionals gave non, and showed the way that CAM enhanced mainstream medicine.

Gene Early, who guided me to have greater congruence within myself.

Dr Huddart, of the Royal Marsden, who contradicted the first three experts by telling me that chemotherapy did indeed have a success for cases such as mine, albeit slight (5%).

Dr Marie Wilkins, the oncologist at the Royal Sussex Hospital, who tolerated my CAM support strategies whilst providing excellent chemotherapy.

Jonathan Chamberlain for his comprehensive CAM guide to effective cancer therapies

My fellow colleagues on the bladder cancer forums for their information and support (, especially Peter Granger.


As well as virtually daily trawling of the Internet and reading various newspaper articles and magazines related to cancer (all of which has led to the endnoted references below), I have read and/or referred to the following books:

“Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide” Jonathon Chamberlain, Long Island Press, 2008

“Anti-cancer: a new way of life” Dr David ServanpSchreiber, Penguin, 2007

“Definitive Guide To Cancer” – 2nd ed. Lise Alschuler & Karolyn A Gazella, Celestial Arts, 2007 –  very good survey of orthodox and CAM (Complimentary & Alternative Medicine).

“The Cancer Directory” – Dr Rosy Daniel, Thorsons, 2005

“The Hidden Story of Cancer” – Brian Scott Peskin, self-published, 2007 – a well argued alternative approach to dealing with cancer.

“Choices in Healing” – Michael Lerner, MIT Press, 1994

“Cancer: A Second Opinion” – Joseph Issels, MD, Avery, 199

“The Truth About Your Immune System” – Havard Medical School, 2007. The orthodox view of immune enhancing (it can’t be done!).

“The Official Anti-Aging Revolution” – Ronald Klatz & Robert Goldman, Basic Health Pub, 2007. Altho’ about anti-ageing, it has much to say about cancer.

“Snake Oil” – John Diamond, Vintage UK, 2001. A trenchant argument against CAM.

“Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy” – John Boik, Oregon Medical Press, 2001. A good listing (tho’ a bit dated) of most CAM compounds.

“Nutritional Medicine” Dr Gaby, Fritz Perlberg Pub, 2010

“Spontaneous Regression” – Donald H MacAdam, self-published, 2003. A well argued, with evidence, case for immunotherapy alone.

“Conventional Cancer Cures – What’s The Alternative” – Chris Woollams, Health Issues, 2004

“Cancer Positive” – Dr James Colthurst, Michael O’Mara Books Ltd, 2003

“Dismantling Cancer” – Francisco Contreras, Jorge Barroso-Aranda, Daniel E Kennedy, Interpacific press, 2004

“The Breuss Cancer Cure” – Rudolf Breus, Alive Books, 1995

“Alkalize of Die” – Dr Theodore A Baroody, Holographic Health Press, 2006 – a bit dubious; probably Young’s book is better, or Murray’s

“The Doctor Who Cures Cancer” – William Kelley Eidem, self publication, 1997. An interesting CAM approach, with much supportive evidence.

“The China Study” by Dr Campbell & son. A convincing case for a vegan diet being both cancer-preventative and curative. A BC survivor who gives a blow-by-blow account of his own and other’s journey and ideas on improving survival chances, with an interesting flow-chart

“The Cancer Clock” Ed. Sotiris Missailidis, Wiley, 2007

“Say No to Cancer” Patrick Holford, Piatkus, 1999


[iii] I use NutriShield daily packs, from Uni-Vite ( This is a set of 7 pills containing all the compounds that medical scientist Dr Paul Clayton recommends, being frequently updated in the light of the latest research


[vii] “’Amazingly, most medical treatment simply isn’t backed up by good, quantitative evidence’. ….. The whole point of carrying out a study was to rigorously examine a question using tools and techniques that would yield solid data. ….And yet these studies, and most types of studies Dr Ioannidis looked at, were far more often than not driving to wrong answers.  The two-out-of-three wrongness rate Ionnidis found is worse than it sounds. He had been examining only [a tiny amount] of published research in the most prestigious medical journals.  …the wrongness rate would only be worse from there [less prestigious journals].” Freedman (see below, pp. 5,6) quoting John Ionnidis, MD & research medical mathematician @ Tufts-New England Medical Center.

[viii] “Wrong: Why Experts Keep Failing Us – and How to Know When Not to Trust Them” David H Freedman 2010 Little, Brown

[ix] Dr David Servan-Schreiber in his “Anti-Cancer: a new way of life” 2008 (see

“Integrative Oncology Essentials:  A Patients’  Guide To Cancer Care And Prevention”  Brian D. Lawenda, M.D. 2010 (see [“Integrative oncology is no longer an “alternative” approach to cancer care. Increasingly, prestigious academic cancer centers (for example: Harvard, Memorial Sloan Kettering, MD Anderson, Duke, UCSF) are incorporating integrative oncology within their practice of taking care of patients living with and beyond cancer.”]

“Natural compounds in cancer therapy” John Boik, MD 2001

“Nutritional Medicine” Alan R Gaby, MD 2010

“Definitive Guide to Cancer” Alsschuler & Gazella 2007 (2nd Ed)

There are also many websites offering a collation of the best of CAM, of which the UK one of is very comprehensive and up-to-date.

[xiv] It was thought that we all have a few cells frequently turning cancerous, but that our immune system deals with this without our becoming aware of it (it is seen in autopsies). “It was claimed in the past that cancer cells were forming non-stop but the immune system destroyed them. And everything which weakens it, for instance stress, may impede fighting the intruder. “Nowadays no one holds that opinion anymore”, says dr. Pardoll. Experiments on mice devoid of immune system did not confirm saliently higher cancer morbidity. Also among people with immune disorders under the influence of drugs preventing transplant rejection or as a result of AIDS a higher cancer prevalence ratio was not found.”

[xvii] “History of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin and Bladder Cancer: An Immunotherapy Success Story”

[xx] “The Secret History of the War on Cancer” Devra Davis, Basic Books, 2007

[xxi] See: Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubs, Anchor Books, 2008


[xxx] I use NutriShield daily packs, from Uni-Vite ( This is a set of 7 pills containing all the compounds that medical scientist Dr Paul Clayton recommends, being frequently updated in the light of the latest research


[xxxvi] “Good Calories, Bad Calories” pp:89-99 Gary Taubes, Anchor Books, 2007

[xlii] See: Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubs, Anchor Books, 2008


[xlvii], and

[xlviii] For a list of foods that fight cancer:

[lviii] Via Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, January 5, 2011:

Bronstein AC, Spyker DA, Cantilena LR Jr, Green JL, Rumack BH, Giffin SL. 2009 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System (NPDS): 27th Annual Report. Clinical Toxicology (2010). 48, 979-1178. The full text article is available for free download at  The data mentioned above are found in Table 22B, journal pages 1138-1148.

[lix] Aloe Vera:

WDDTY Vol20 No 11 p.20

Dr Al Sears Newsletter 15 Apr 2010-04-15

Lim, Beong Ou, et al. “Efficacy of Dietary Aloe Vera Supplementation on Hepatic Cholesterol and Oxidative status in Aged Rats” J-Nutr-Sci-Vitaminol-(Tokyo). 2003 Aug; 49(4): 292-6.


“Other research on alpha-lipoic acid has shown that it might: inhibit the activation of “nuclear factor kappa-B,” a protein complex involved in cancer and the progression of AIDS. (Suzuki YJ, et al., Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications, 1992;189:1709-15).  ‘The therapeutic potential of alpha-lipoic acid is just beginning to be explored,” observed Packer, “but this compound holds great promise.'”


Excessive Dietary Fat Caused 300 Percent Increase in Metastasizing Tumor Cells In Animal Models


Supplementation with trans10cis12-conjugated linoleic acid induces hyperproinsulinaemia in obese men: close association with impaired insulin sensitivity


Serum-Solubilized Curcumin. Via Pete Granger on Bladder Cancer Web Café 15:21 16 Jul 2010 extrincurcumin_selfassembly_a_novel_approach_to_improve_curcumin_delivery_a nd_its_therapeutic_efficacy_in_prostate_cancer_cells__abstract07092010.html

WDDTY Vol 20 No 11 p.21

Cancer Research 68, 5345-5354, July 1, 2008. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-07-6805

International Braz J Urol Vol. 35 (3): 354-361, May – June, 2009


Health Sciences Institute Special Research Alert “Cancer’s Kryptonite?”

Cell Bio Toxicol 1997 Feb; 13(2): 95-102

Radiats Biol Radioecol 1999 Sep-Oct; 39(5):572-7

Eur J Haematol 1995 Jan; 54(1): 27-33


From a Dr Al Sears email on 17 Sep 09

1 R. Chan, J. Woo, E. Suen, J. Leung, N. Tang, “Chinese tea consumption is associated with longer telomere length in elderly Chinese men” British Journal of Nutrition, Aug, 12, 2009

[xcii] I use NutriShield daily packs, from Uni-Vite ( This is a set of 7 pills containing all the compounds that medical scientist Dr Paul Clayton recommends, being frequently updated in the light of the latest research


WDDTY Vol 20 No 11 p.22

[xcvii] I prefer the purer form, without Vit.A. There is much evidence, from various sources (Rivici, Peskin, Barry Sears) that the outer membrane of the body’s cells is a key factor in treating cancer. That unless there is a relatively high intake of Omega3, the cell membrane will be compromised by other fats and hence a source of the cells’ poor performance.

[cxvi] Sakano K, Takahashi M, et al. Suppression of azoxymethane-induced colonic premalignant lesion formation by coenzyme Q10 in rats. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2006 Oct; 7 (4): 599-603
Folkers K, Brown R, Judy WV, Morita M. Survival of cancer patients on therapy with coenzyme Q10. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1993 Apr 15;192(1): 241-5
Lockwood K, Moesgaard S, Folkers K. Partial and complete regression of breast cancer in patients in relation to dosage of coenzyme Q10. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1994 Mar 30;199 (3):1504-8

Alternative Medicine Review Volume 12, Number 2 2007



[cxxviii] via



From a Dr Al Sears email on 17 Sep 09

1 R. Chan, J. Woo, E. Suen, J. Leung, N. Tang, “Chinese tea consumption is associated with longer telomere length in elderly Chinese men” British Journal of Nutrition, Aug, 12, 2009

[cxxxvii] seems the best made case for short, sharp vigorous exercise

[cxxxix] J Dean 2009 Nile River Publications Inc

[cxl] See “How to Meditate” Lawrence LeShan, Thorsons 1974 – a classic and still thought the best guide

[cxliii] The Anti Inflammation Zone, pp.263-269, Dr Barry Sears, Regan Books, ISBN 0-06-059546-9, 2005

[cxlv] See “DRINKING WATER AND WATER TREATMENT SCAMS” by James E. Hairston, Professor and Water Quality Coordinator, Donn Rodekohr, Agricutural Program Associate, Evaden F. Brantley, Agricultural Program Associate, Lori L. Bice, Undergraduate Student Assistant; 23 Oct 2003


[cxlvi] “Researchers from Denmark found that following recommendations on physical activity, waist circumference, smoking, alcohol and diet could reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer considerably — by 23%.”

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Black seed oil – immune regulator and anti-fungal

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 21, 2011

There’s a lot of info on this site so do browse – this supports the info in my two cancer books –

Black seed oil – immune regulator and anti-fungal agent

Black seed oil appears to have very strong immune strengthening and anti-fungal qualities that make it very interesting for cancer patients. Interestingly it is not recommended for pregnant women. The growth of tumours shares some interesting characteristics with the growth of a foetus so if anything works against one it is very likely to have a negative effect on the other.

“Calling black cumin a magical cure would certainly be an exaggeration, but it is almost impossible not to exaggerate its effectiveness.” – Peter Schleicher M.D.

For further details go to

another site is

(if link doesn’t work – as sometimes happens – then copy link into your browser)

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graviola, pawpaw versus oleander

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 4, 2011

There is an enormous amount of information on this site – this information supplements the info in my two cancer books – for further details go to

Oleander or Graviola?

Marc Swanepoel – advocate of oleander therapies believes that all apoptosis therapies are ineffective in late-stage cancer. Here are his comments:

“From my reading of the research, paw-paw, Graviola, Tarceva and many other substances can help with cancer in the beginning stages by promoting the process of apoptosis. They work because they reduce the production of ATP which results, so the theory goes, in the death of fast growing cells that require a lot of ATP – preferably cancer cells.  However, the alternative theory of cancer, that it is a protection mechanism for cells that are under certain stresses, holds that this apoptosis period is relatively short and that the cancer cells have their own ways of overcoming it. Apoptosis requires that the mitochondrial membranes remain permeable to Calcium ions. In cancer cells, these membranes get locked very quickly, especially after the cancer has metastasized. Oleander and NAC, unlike paw-paw, Graviola, etc, act to normalize the levels of glutathione in the body. This, in turn, unlocks the mitochondrial membranes and reverts the mitochondria to normalcy. The assumption is, of course, that the stresses which caused the problems in the first place, are also addressed. Thus the reason for the protocols.

> In summary, my personal take on paw-paw, Graviola, etc is that they are ok for cancer in the early stages but that they should then not be taken with NAC, whey protein, or anything that promotes the levels of glutathione or ATP production in the body. Once cancer has spread, or in the case of very advanced cancer, my opinion is that paw-paw, Graviola and other apoptosis promoting substances based on reduced ATP production, will simply not work.”

To contact Marc Swanepoel about oleander and his products email him at

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Tea tree oil kills cancer cells

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 4, 2011

There is an enormous amount of information on this site – this information supplements the info in my two cancer books – for further details go to

Tea tree oil and cancer

Two studies have found that tea tree oil has a strong anti-cancer effect in laboratory conditions. This suggests that adding tea tree oil to the other oils you might be putting into a daily bath (rosemary, lavender, oregano among others) would be beneficial.

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herbs & supplements for the liver

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on December 20, 2010

If you have cancer, do yourself a favour – go to

Herbs & supplements for the liver

The liver is the key organ overseeing the health of the body – cancer patients almost always have a poorly functioning liver. The following herbs and supplements are recommended to help bring the liver back into a state of good health.


Rosemary, milk thistle, burdock root, artichoke leaf, olive leaf extract, dandelion root


N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC, alpha lipoic acid (ALA, phosphatidylcholine, trimethylglycine (TMG)

Posted in Comments and Suggestions, Herbs and Cancer | Tagged: | Leave a Comment »

Cancer therapies in Ecuador

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on March 8, 2010

Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide

Cancer Recovery Guide: 15 Alternative and Complementary Strategies for Restoring Health

For details go to

“This book tells me everything. Why didn’t my doctor tell me this?” – Rev. Bill Newbern

Cancer Therapies in Ecuador

Ecuador is a source of many fresh anti-cancer herbs: graviola etc. Michael Forest also offers a blood electrification programme based in Cuenca.  Check out his website

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