Cancerfighter’s Weblog

Alternative cancer therapies and ideas

Cancer – “If I knew then what I know now I probably wouldn’t have got it.”

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on January 22, 2015

“If I knew then what I know now I probably wouldn’t have got it.” These were words in a message sent to me by someone who is fighting cancer. These are words that should burn their way into every adult’s mind. That’s the simple truth.
Anyone who has read my books will know that there are a lot of cancer cures out there – real cures. And these cures are not the kind of cures that the doctors will tell you about. These are natural cures. How do I know they work? Because there are a lot of people out there who have been brave, gone the holistic, natural route and have been cured. You can find stories of some of them in my free download Cancer Survivor’s Stories –
But here’s the thing: Doctors don’t deal with natural cures in the same way that architects don’t build cars. Their job is drug administration. So they administer drugs. Or they operate on you because that’s what surgeons do. If a surgeon wants to earn money he has to do surgery. Don’t ask a surgeon whether natural cures might work as well as an operation in the same way you wouldn’t ask a drug company salesman if their drugs work. You know the answer before you’ve asked it. Doesn’t mean it’s true.
But let’s get back to the point. If something (or, more likely, a combination of many things) will cure cancer then they will also prevent cancer from occurring in the first place. Prevention is far better than a cure because you take out the fear, you avoid the damage. And it’s easier – just as it’s easier to stop a parked car from moving than a speeding car in the middle of a NASCAR race. And it’s not expensive. It really isn’t – certainly it doesn’t have to be.
So the best time to read books about cancer is long before you are diagnosed – which means NOW. Yes, right now. Today. Just do it. You’ll be glad you did.
Naturally I am going to advise you to read The Cancer Survivor’s Bible and I am going to tell you that it’s the best book out there (I would, wouldn’t I?) But fortunately for me, many other people think so too. Just go to Amazon and read the comments. Here are the links: Amazon (USA) and Amazon (UK)
© Jonathan Chamberlain 2015
Jonathan Chamberlain is author of The Cancer Survivor’s Bible and Cancer? Don’t Panic! (free download from his website

2 Responses to “Cancer – “If I knew then what I know now I probably wouldn’t have got it.””

  1. Homer LIM, MD said

    Reblogged this on Alternative Cancer Treatments in Manila.

  2. Pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to try alternative cancer treatments because they wouldn’t make any money. Alternative treatments are far more gentle on the body and treat the cause not just the symptoms.

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