Cancerfighter’s Weblog

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Posts Tagged ‘kidney’

kidney support – Chanca Piedra

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on September 25, 2008

Rhoda, I have had a problem with kidney stones over the years, and I have ended up in the hospital because of a spastic ureter that causes a blockage from my kidney to my bladder.  Since 2005 I have been using a product from Raintree Nutrition called Chanca Piedra, which means stone breaker.  It has been my saving grace, and when I feel a sharp, stabbing pain in my back, which indicates a stone coming down the pike, I take two droppers full of the extract, and that’s the end of it.  It doesn’t taste bad, kinda like prune juice, and I keep a bottle in my purse at all times.

In 2006 I had another bout with the ureter flipping over and the symptoms were immediate, a constant muscle constriction in my lower back and abdomen, fever, nausea, and purple urine.  I had to take about ten droppers full of the Chanca Piedra, but after about 1 hour, all the pain left, and the ureter must have totally relaxed and straightened out.  I had no insurance to go to the hospital, and I really didn’t want to go in the first place, so the relief I felt with the extract was so much more than physical.  It is truly a God-send for me!

Here is the link to the plant database at Raintree:  http://www.rain- chanca.htm

This is THE extract to have on hand if you are concerned about stones and kidney function.  After skimming over the database just now, I see the plant relieves MANY symptoms and seems to be anti-EVERYTHING!  Quite a remarkable remedy from the Amazon Rain Forest…try it, you’ll like it!

With blessings,


p.s.  I usually order mine from http://www.iherb. com , at a reduced price.


Note: The Cancer Survivor’s Bible (2012) is now available – see

“This book tells me everything I want to know. Why didn’t my doctor tell me this?”


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