Cancerfighter’s Weblog

Alternative cancer therapies and ideas

ceramide and cancer

Posted by Jonathan Chamberlain on April 27, 2009 news

Here is part of a discussion that took place on the Yahoo cancercured chat group regarding ceramide:

Mike wrote: << Since ceramide, a fatty acid, can induce ER stress in
cancer cells leading to autophagy and apoptosis, I’m wondering about ways to
increase ceramide production. It seems to me that an extraction of
cannabinoids into coconut oil at 127 degrees (for decarboxylation) would provide both
a carrier and a substrate for ceramide production. The cannabinoids are
known to cause this stimulus and the lauric acid in the coconut oil would be
the substrate/carrier. I think this might be enhanced by coadministration of
vitamin D3. >>

Please see below for articles regarding ceramide by Dr. Stephen Martin
(immunologist of Grouppe Kurosawa)…

You might especially appreciate the first one, if you haven’t seen it

Best wishes,
Glen from Illinois, USA

———— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——-

Ceramide, A Powerful Natural Anti-Cancer Compound (May 20, 2006)

(http://grouppekuros awa.typepad. com/grouppe_ kurosawa_ natural_/ 2006/05/ceramide _a_powe.html)

<< …curcumin, nicotinamide, palmitic acid and serine could be a VERY
powerful combination for the treatment of cancer. >>

———— ——— ——— ——— ——— ——–
(http://grouppekuros awa.typepad. com/grouppe_ kurosawa_ natural_/ 2006/07/how_ ceramide_ th.html)

Ceramide and Metformin are Synergistic Activators of Autophagy (June 03,
_http://grouppekuros awa.typepad. com/grouppe_ kurosawa_ natural_/ 2008/06/cerami
(http://grouppekuros awa.typepad. com/grouppe_ kurosawa_ natural_/ 2008/06/ceramide -and-me.html)

Ceramide and mTOR and the Control of Autophagy (June 03, 2008)

(http://grouppekuros awa.typepad. com/grouppe_ kurosawa_ natural_/ 2008/06/ceramide -and-mt.html)
<< mTOR activation by NF-kappaB and AKT is the fundamental inhibitor of
autophagy. In order for ceramide to be able to effectively activate
autophagy, mTOR MUST be inhibited. >>

How Ceramide Induces Autophagy Mediated Cell Death (June 05, 2008)

(http://grouppekuros awa.typepad. com/grouppe_ kurosawa_ natural_/ 2008/06/how- ceramide- in.html)

How Ceramide, the Cancer Death Lipid, Gets Neutralized (July 01, 2006)

(http://grouppekuros awa.typepad. com/grouppe_ kurosawa_ natural_/ 2006/07/how_ ceramide_ th.html)

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